the math class

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I found a yearbook so me and tatum are looking for our solmates until tatum says she found hers

"What let me see!" Wes says

Wes and tatum are platonic solmates so he doesn't need to look but tatums tattoo says Sidney presscott

"Look!" I say and point to the picture In the year book

"Look!" I say and point to the picture In the year book

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"Holy shit she looks great!" Tatum says

"Aw look who gots a crush" I say

"Well let's find your solmate" Wes says to me

"Ok" I say

I start looking for the page with last names that start with c

"Found her!" I say

" she looks perfect!" I say

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" she looks perfect!" I say

The bell rings and then I go to class


I start walking to my new math class and I'm nervous because what if people think I'm weird

I knock on the door and it opens

"Class this is mindy meeks she is a new student to this class" Mrs. Jones says

I then see anika

Holy shit I think to myself

"Please sit next to anika" the teacher says

"Anika raise your hand" she adds on

Anika raises her hand while looking at me

I sit next to her

It's kinda awkward at first because we know we are each other's solmates

"So whyd you move math classes?" Anika ask

"I don't really know I just got moved" I say

"It's probly because a different student came and had a lower score then you so you had to get move here and the student take your place" she says

"Why do you think that" I say

"Because this is a advanced math class" she says

She laughs and it's actually a cute laugh

"Well that's one more thing to brag to my brother about" I smile

"Well we watch movies every Friday and the students take turns picking the movies and since your new you will get to pick this Friday" she says to me staring at me

"Really?" I say smiling

" yea she's a pretty cool teacher but she sends you to detion over everything if she catches you" anika says

"Well is she fine with horror?" I ask

"Yea all the kids in here call me weird for picking horror though" she says

"Oh well I gusse there are two people now" I say

"What's your favorite horror movie?" Anika ask me

"Probly-" I say but get cut off by the teacher

"Anika and Mindy to deation now!" She says

"What I didn't even do anything!" I say

"So you were not talking?" She says with attitude

"Yea we were talking about how stupid you look with that dress your one of 8 exes said her liked" anika says

"Come on mindy let's go" anika adds on

She grabs my arm and starts walking and I start blushing

We get out the door and are walking to the office

"So is your last name meeks?" Anika ask me

"Uh yea why?" I say

She lifts up her shirt to show her ribs and it says my name

Is show her my wrist and it say her name

We smile and start walking both blushing

"I think we should not just start dating but we should definitely start hanging out let's start to luke each other first then when one of us ask each other out we can start dating" I say

"That's exactly what I was gonna say" she says

We make it to the office and he sends us to the deation room

It's just me and anika so we start talking

"So since the teacher interrupted me what's your favorite horror movie?" She ask me

"Oh definitely stab" I say

"Oh my god same" she says

We keep talking and I actually like her alot

Then someone else comes to deation

She has long black hair

"Oh my gosh that's my friends solmate" anika whispers to me

"What Oh my god when we get out of here take her with you to meet your friend" I say to anika

"What not just her your coming with me" she says

"What!?" I say

"Yea your my solmate my friends have to know you" she says smiling at me

"Then you have to meet mine" I say

"Ok!" She says

The girl walks up to us and says her name is Jill Robert's

We say hi and become friends with her


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