the design of the future

42 3 6


I wake up and it's 3 in the morning

Well that's not scarey at all

I look over to check on mindy

She's tossing and turning she looks like she's having a nightmare well I don't wanna wake her up

So I just start scratching her back with my nails softly

She stops moving

I can't fall back asleep

So I turn on netflix but still scratching mindys back

I start watching riverdale (pls don't shame me for liking riverdale 😭✋️)

I watch about 4 episodes then I realize its 6 so I start getting ready for the day

I was always an early bird well usually I wake up at 6 but I for some reason woke up at 3 today

Anyway I get in the shower get dressed and do my hair and I don't brush my teeth yet because I have to eat breakfast first

After im done its 6:30

Mindy usually wakes up at 8

So I go downstairs and start preparing breakfast

I get all the ingredients and start cooking


I wake up and it's 7: 35

I woke up early?

Well that's a first

I reach over to hug anika but she's not there of course she's up already I smile

I walk down stairs

I look in the kitchen and see anika with headphones on her hair in a messy bun and a over sized t-shirt dancing and making breakfast

I quietly get my phone and record her

She turns around and sees me

"Hey baby!" She says excited

She jumps and hugs me

I stop recording and hug her back

After we get out the hug I sigh happily

"I'm done want some?" She ask

"Well duh my fiancé made breakfast and u think I'm not gonna eat it?" I say smirking

She smiles back

She makes the plates and we sit down and start going over the wedding

"What color should we do?" She ask

"Green it matches our rings and everything and it would be very pretty" I say

"Omg you are so right" she sqeals

I laugh

"Ok bride maids?" She ask

(Guys idk really know how this works but just go with it im using Google😭)

"Mine will be Jill and amber" I say

(Amber,sidney,tatum,tara are coming for their wedding)

"Mine will be tara and tatum" she says

"Who's gonna walk you down the isle?" Anika ask me

"The group said they had something for me so let's hope it's good" I say

"As long as we get married" she says and kiss me

I blush and kiss back

"Ok flower girl?" I ask

"Liv" we both say

"Ok we need a wedding planner!" I say

"Sidney I mean she's literally a professional artist she went to college for it" anika says

"Good idea" I say

"Ring bearer?" I ask

"Um it dose not have to be a boy but it'd common for it to be a boy but let's let Sam do it" she says

"Yes!" I say

Ok well the invite cards came in yesterday's let's write and send it to them


"Hey baby time to start planning the wedding" Jill says walking up to me

I'm crying and she noticed

"Aw what's wrong babe?" She ask rubbing my back

I sit in her lap and wrap my arms around her stomach snd my legs around her waist and lay my head on her shoulder

"Aw what happened?" She ask still rubbing my back

"You left me at the mall and never came back and I had to live there" I sniffle

"What when...?" She chuckles

"It's not funny don't laugh" I whine

"Well sorry when did I leave you honey" she ask

" dream" I say still not facing her because my heads on her shoulder

"Well I'm very sorry that dream me left you at the mall and never came back but real me would never do that I love you to much" she says

I lift my head up and kiss her

" I forgive dream you" I smile

"Well good we need to plan our wedding"


I get off her and we sit on the couch

I put my legs in her lap and my head on her shoulder

"Ok baby what color would you like?" She ask me


"black and white" she says

"So marble?" I ask

She nods

"Ok well bridemaids?" I say

"Liv and anika" she says

"Ok I will do quinn and mindy" I say

"Who's walking me down the isle?" She ask

"Sam baby it has to be your dad" I chuckle

"Oh I didn't know that" she says

"It's ok ring bearer?" I say

"I think you should also decide It's not only my wedding" she says

"Well it think we should do ethan" I say

She nods

"Ok wedding planner?" She ask

"Tara" I say

"Ok!" She sqeals

"Wait Who's getting married first us or mindy and anika" she ask with her confused face

"Us" I say

She smiles and jumps on me we hug

"I'm so happy" she says

"Me to" I say




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