Today deserves horrays

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(Sorry for all the time jumps I'm lazy😔)

The whole group is now 21 or 20

Today they were graduating college and anika had it all planned out


today was the day I was gonna propose to mindy

And no one knew accept tara I didn't need permission from her parents because well she ran away and her parents don't act like her parents so

Right now we had to write what we are graduating college for so the person can call it out

Mindys at Jill and Sam's dorm and I'm at Tara's

"Hey ani you got the ring ready?" She ask

"Duh what do you think I would lose it?" I ask

"Ok whatever but can you belive it we are graduating college" tara says

"Yep I'm gonna be the best animal care person ever!" I say

"And im gonna be the best nurse" tara says

"Ok well you done with your note for the announcer" she ask

"Yea let's go check on the groups dorms one by one then we will end at Jill and Sam's cuz that's where mindy is at" I say

We grab out notes and go to amber and Tara's dorm but only liv and amber are in there preparing there noted

"Hey you guys done?" Tara ask

"Yea let's go" amber says kissing tara

We then walk to tatum and sidneys dorm

"Hey you guys done?" I ask

"Yea we were just about to leave" they say

They start walking with me tara liv and amber

We walk to quinn and ethans dorm

"You guys ready?" I ask

"Yea let me just get Sam out of the closet" ethan says

"Why is she in the closet exactly?" Amber ask

"She kept trying to eat all the candy and we all know she will have a big suger rush and we need her calm for graduation

"This is the worst day ever" sam pouts

"Here sam" I say handing her one peice of chocolate

"Yay!" She says and smiles

We start walking down the hall to Jill and Sam's dorm

"Heyyy strangers" I say

Sam runs and hugs Jill

Sam was always with Jill but one time she had to stay away from her for 1 day we figured out sam had separation anxiety

"Hey baby!" Mindy runs to me

I catch her and spin her around

"Ok guys don't wanna be late" ethan says

We all start walking to the ceremony

We sit down and start listening for our names

"Quinn bailey graduating as a mathematics teacher" the announcer said

She gets up and walks on stage

"Next is ethan bailey graduating in business"

He copys his sister action

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