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You walked out of my house, needing some fresh air. It was dark, the street lamps provided little light. It was snowing lightly, it had been a cold winter this year. You walked about a block or two, You shivered from the cold air. You looked up at the sky and watched the snow fall. It was so peaceful. You saw a shadow further down the street, you just thought it was another person on a walk so you ignored it.

"What are you doing out here Angel?" The shadow said, you immediately knew whose voice that was. She stepped under the streetlight revealing herself. It was Ellie. You ran toward her and jumped into her arms. She was holding you up by your thighs, she spun around embracing you.

She had been on patrol for three days, it was the longest time you guys have spent apart since you started dating. She put you down and cupped your face giving you a passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her more into the kiss. She slipped her tongue in your mouth and you let out a heavy breath. You pulled away tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

"When did you get back?" you asked, your arms still resting around her neck.

"Just now, I was coming to your house. I wanted to surprise you." Ellie said, moving her hands to your waist.

"Sorry I ruined your surprise." you said with a frown.

"It's ok, this is better anyways." She says embarrassing you in a hug. She smelled like shit and her clothes were dirty.

"Let's come get you cleaned up." you said holding her hand, you made your way back to your house. You walked through the door and Ellie left her dirty boots on the porch. YOu gestured for her to sit at the table while you went to boil some water for tea. You leaned against the counter facing her.

"How was patrol?"

"It was fine, boring as usual. But we found this book store and it had the book you told me you were looking for.." she picked up her bag rummaging through it. She pulled out the book Little Women and handed it to me. You had been wanting to read it for so long but the library did not have a good copy.

"Oh my god thanks baby." you said as youI took the book from her. You glanced at the cover and flipped through the pages. It was in perfect condition.

"I love it, thank you." You said leaving a kiss on her forehead.

The kettle whistled and you poured the water in two mugs, it was chamomile tea. you handed her the mug and her fingers brushed mine. you sat on the other side of the table across from Ellie with my tea in hand.

"This is nice." Ellie said, taking her hand in yours on the table. You smiled at her and sipped your tea.

"I also got you this." Ellie reached in her pocket.

"Wow you're really spoiling..." you stopped talking when she pulled a ring out of her pocket. It was a silver ring with a small sapphire in the middle.

"Maria was telling me about promise rings, it's a ring you get for your significant other to show you that you are committed to each other. you know its small but-"

"I love it." you said almost tearing up. Ellie slid the ring on your right ring finger. YOu held your hand up to get a better look at it. It sparkled from the lights in your house. The silver band was thin and fit your finger perfectly. She watched as you stared at it, so glad you loved it.

"I'll never take it off." you said with a smile. Ellie got out of her chair and kneeled down beside you.

"Y/n, I love you so much, I never want to be away from you that long again." Ellie said, her eyes were glazed with tears.

"Baby come here." you said getting out of your chair lifting her up to embrace her in a hug. Ellie wrapped her hands tightly around your waist, yours around her neck.

"I missed you so much." you said muffled.

"I missed you too." Ellie said, she sniffled a bit.

You pulled away from the hug cupping your hands around her cheeks. You softly kissed the tip of her nose.

"Let's get you cleaned up." You said with a sweet smile. You grabbed her hand and you walked to the bathroom. 

Ellie Williams One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now