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Ellie and y/n on patrol together. They are secretly dating.

Ellie hopped off her horse and I did too. She walked over to me to help tie my horse Midnight next to shimmer.

"You ok?" Ellie asked me.

"Yup." I said with a reassuring smile.

Today we were patrolling a new place, it was a small strip mall 12 miles outside Jackson.  Ellie was hesitant to have me go with her because she didn't want me to get hurt. I told her she was just being paranoid and that I will be fine.

Ellie walked next to me as we looked at the different shops, one was a music shop.

"Ellie look!" I said excitedly, pointing to the shop. I walked over to the shop but Ellie grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"We need to check for infected babe." Ellie said walking in front of me, pulling her gun out of her bag.

I reached in my back pack getting my small hand gun out. Ellie opened the door scanning the store, looking for any infected. I stood anxiously behind her.

"I think we're good." Ellie said walking into the store. I entered the store looking around at all the instruments.

I noticed a black piano in the corner of the store. It had a beautiful design on it and a small bench that sat under the piano.

I walked over to the piano pulling the bench out from underneath, I placed my back pack on the floor next to the piano and sat on the bench. Ellie continued to walk around the store searching for anything useful that we can take back.

I softly rested my hands on the keys, the piano was dusty. Ellie glanced over at me and smiled. She walked over and stood behind me.

I softly played Claire de Lune. My mother thought me how to play when I was little. She told me it was important to keep music alive during these rough times.

Ellie sat beside me on the bench watching ad my hands moved across the keys. She looked at me face seeing the concentration in my eyes.

I could feel her staring at me, I smiled softly knowing she was impressed. I finished the song removing my hands from the keys.

"I didn't know you could play the piano." Ellie said looking into my eyes. Her eyes were so full of lust.

"My mom thought me." Ellie tucked a loose hair behind my ear. She left her hand on my cheek and slowly leaned in to kiss me. I immediately kissed her back and pulled away.

"Is there anything you can't do?" She said amazed. I just laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Play something else." Ellie asked me. I softly chuckled at how cute she was.

"Anything for you madame." I said placing my hands back on the keys, Ellie giggled. I played Rêverie 68 slowly on the piano.

Ellie watched my hands move across the keys and she leaned her head on my shoulder. I could help but smile at her.

I finished the song and Ellie moved her head to look at me.

"Marry me." Ellie said her eyes full of love.

Ellie Williams One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now