Meeting Joel

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Ellie and Y/N are 18 and Ellie lives with Joel.
My boots thumped with each step up to the front door. I stood for a second infront of the door, slowly building the courage to knock. I could hear old jazz type music playing in the house, I couldn't help but smile. I raised my arm and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling and the door opened quickly.

"Hey Y/N!" Ellie said embracing me in a hug. She kissed my cheek.

"Hi sorry I'm a bit late." I said feeling guilty for being a few minutes late. Being late when I am meeting Ellie's father figure is a bit embarrassing.

Ellie shut the door behind me and I walked behind her to the dining table. There was three plates with food, utensils and, glasses of water beside them. There was a candle lit in the middle of the table.

"Nice to finally meet you y/n." Joel said coming out of the kitchen with a towel on his shoulder. He held his hand out for me to shake. I felt so nervous but Ellie told me not to worry. She said that he would love me.

"Ellie told me that you loved spagetti so I made my world famous recipe." Joel said with a proud smile. Ellie rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"That's very kind of you." I said with a grateful grin. Ellie pulled out my seat for me like the gentleman she is. I turned to look at her and gave her an awkward smile. Ellie sat next to me with Joel sitting across from us.

"So Ellie tells me you want to be a teacher?" Joel says before taking a bite.

"That's the goal. I have to go through their version of training before I can officially become a teacher though." Ellie looked at me as if I was saying the most interesting thing in the world.

"She's so good with kids. Her sister had a baby a few weeks ago and she is the best aunt." I looked at her and chuckled.

"I heard about that. I didn't realize she was your sister." Joel said looking confused.

"We're 6 years apart so a lot of people don't realize right away."

"What kind of training do they have you doing?" Joel asked.

I told Joel all about my training and how Ellie and I met. Even though I'm sure he's heard it a million times from Ellie. Joel told me about his past jobs and told me the best embarrassing Ellie stories. Ellie was so embarrassed when he told me some. I laughed the hardest I have in a while. Tonight was better than I had ever anticipated.

Joel offered to clean up the dishes even though I offered a few times.

"You guys can hang out in El's room for a while." Joel said as he continued scrubbing the plates. Ellie took my hand and dragged me into her room. I hadn't been in her room before. She always comes to my house when we spend time together. I looked around her room looking at her posters and drawing materials scattered across her desk.

"It's a bit messy." Ellie said scratching the back of her neck embarrassingly.

I flipped through some of her drawing on her desk. One in particular caught my eye. It was a sketch of my face from the side smiling. It looked almost like a photograph. Ellie grabbed it from my hand hiding it behind her back.

"Hey I was admiring that!" I said offended.

"You're not meant to see that." Ellie said with a smirk.

"It's a drawing of me so I think I have the right to see it." I said trying to grab it from behind her back. Ellie giggled avoiding  my hands.

"I will show you when it's finished." Ellie said trying to compromise. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine but finish soon." I said with a fake frown. Ellie put it back under the pile of papers on her desk.

I walked over to her bed sitting on the edge, Ellie stood in between my legs and caressed my cheek.

"Thank you for coming tonight. Joel just really wanted to meet the girl I've been talking so much about." Ellie said embarrassed.

"He's really sweet Ellie. I'm glad I came too." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Good cause he's probably gonna invite for movie night all the time now." Ellie said tucking a loose hair behind my ear.  I laughed leaning my head back.

"That's perfectly fine with me."

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