Forgive me

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I'm sorry

Ellie and y/n get into a big fight but Ellie apologizes.

I was sitting on the couch reading a book. It was late and Ellie was supposed to be back from patrol. I was getting worried.

I put my book down and walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed. The door opened and I head Ellie drop her bag by the door.

"Ellie?" I called from the bathroom.

"It's me." Ellie called, she sounded exhausted. She walked to the bathroom and stood in the doorway. Her arms crossed over her chest. She had a small smile on her lips.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug. She rapped her arms around my waist squeezing me tightly. I pulled away to look at her.

"You're late." I said.

"I know, Dina was acting like an idiot." Ellie laughed.

"I didn't know you were going on patrol with Dina." I said walking past her to the bedroom. I immediately felt jealous. I know it's stupid but I couldn't help it.

Ellie followed behind me, she could tell I was annoyed.

"I can't pick who I go on patrol with you know." Ellie said smuggly. Her arms folded over her chest as she looked down at me.

"I know." I said walking over to the dresser.

"Why are you upset?" Ellie said.

"I'm not." I said, that was a lie.

"Y/n. I would never do anything with anyone beside you. You know that right." Ellie said, I could tell she was frustrated that I was jealous. I didn't respond.

"Seriously y/n. We've talked about this before." Ellie said angrily.

"I know." I said sighing, turning to look at her.

"Your clearly upset so can you please talk to me." Ellie said putting her hands on my shoulder.

"I have a right to be a little jealous." I said frustrated.

"Oh but when Jesse was flirting with you I was just being dramatic when I was jealous." Ellie said slightly raising her voice.

"You know I don't like Jesse. He was just being annoying. This is different Dina likes you, I just know it! Jesse was flirting with me when we weren't publicly dating. Dina knows we're together and still chooses to flirt with you. " I said raising my voice.

"Are you fucking serious y/n. I don't like Dina how many times do I have to tell you that." Ellie said now she was yelling.

"Why can't you just say on y/n I understand your jealous. I will tell Dina I have a girlfriend who I Love and I'm not interested." I said yelling back.

"Oh my fucking God." Ellie said running her hands through her hair, pacing around our bedroom.

"Dina isn't flirting with me. You're just being a paranoid bitch. What's so fucking hard for you to understand." Ellie yelled. Her face immidetly turning regretful. I couldn't help the tears the fell down my face.

"Stop trying to make me think I'm the crazy one here Ellie. You have no right to do that." I yelled, tears still tricking down my face.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Ellie said putting her hands on my cheeks wiping my tears away with my thumb. I pulled away from her embrace.

"Stop." I said leaning against the dresser. Trying not to start sobbing. Ellie stood there watching the tears in my eyes.

"Just get out." I said quietly. Ellie walked over to me trying to hold me in her arms.

"Please I didn't mean it-"

"Just fucking get out." I shouted walking toward the bed. Ellie stared at me for a moment then walked to the door closing it behind her as she left.

As soon as the door shut I sobbed into my pillow. I hated her for gas lighting me. She just didn't want to have to tell Dina and be embarrassed. If she loved me she would talk to Dina and tell her to stop. Was I being crazy.

I heard the front door slam, my heart stopped. Did she really just fucking leave me. I sobbed hard into my pillow. I eventually fell asleep.

I heard the bedroom open and footsteps walking to the bed. Ellie sat over the edge of the bed, my back to her.

"I talked to Dina." Ellie said, my heart dropped.

"I told her I love my girlfriend and I told her to stop flirting with me. That Me and her would never happen in a million years." I felt a reassurance from Ellie's words. I didn't move to look at her. I just layed there, not wanting her to see my red eyes from crying.

"Y/n please forgive me. I am so sorry for yelling at you and making you feel like you were wrong. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you." Ellie said, her voice cracking up a bit. I sighed and turned to look at her. I patted the empty spot beside me.

Ellie let out a small smile and moved to lay down. We looked at each other for a moment. Not wanting to break the peaceful silence.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." I said reaching for her hand intertwining them. I kissed the back of her hand softly.

"I'm sorry for yelling too." Ellie said squeezing my hand that was intertwined with her.

"Let's not fight again." Ellie said tucking a loose hair behind my ear. I leaned in and kissed her softly.

"Ok." I said with a smile.

"Come here." Ellie said pulling me into her arms. My head rested on her chest and her arms around my waist. We both slowly drifted to sleep.

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