𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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This is a new trope I'm introducing!! Let me Know what you all think :)

This is gang!harry <3


Y/N was worried.

She spent many nights like this, sat up on the couch at 3am with nerves jumping around in her stomach, she had a show playing on the tv but she wasn't watching it.

Harry wasn't home.

Harry was the leader of one of the world's most ruthless gangs. And while he was unbelievably skilled at what he does and he rarely got hurt, Y/N couldn't help but worry.

Harry was feared everywhere, but nobody knew who he was. They knew about the gang existing, they knew that they were massive and should be scared, but they knew Harry under a pseudonym and didn't know what he looked like.

And despite knowing how good Harry was at his job, how many men he has that would die trying to protect him, Y/N still got scared when he wasn't home by the time he told her he would be.

He was supposed to be home two hours ago. And he hadn't called or texted or sent anyone to call or text her to let her know he'd be home late.

So she was worried.

And Harry's house is big and scary and surrounded with armed guards hidden outside so it really doesn't help to ease her worries.

When the door clicks open she freezes, her head turning to look in the direction he would enter from if it's him.

She's confused when she hears a lot of commotion, standing up and getting ready to make a run for it if it's not Harry.

She looked ridiculous, wearing fluffy cupcake pyjamas, a bright pink blanket draped over her shoulders, running away from someone would look stupid. But she was still going to try.

She doesn't, however, when she sees the group of people.

Harry was there, holding onto someone and there was a group of a few more people helping him, the group freeze when they spot her, Y/N doing the same until they're just having some sort of staring competition, like they weren't expecting her to be there.

They all had guns on their hips that they were holding onto, like they might have to pull them on her which just freaked her out more.

"I thought you were in bed, pet," Harry says softly, Y/N is nervous with everyone watching her, she doesn't like the attention as her eyes flit around at the group of people.

Harry notices and turns to the group, "Take Niall to the medical room, I've already called the doctor so just wait until he gets there. Keep him awake." Harry says, his voice firm and demanding, two men take Niall from Harry, Y/N only just noticing that Niall was bleeding and barely awake.

The other men scurry off quickly, not wanting to have to be told twice.

"What's going on?" Y/N asks nervously, something was off and she didn't know if it was because Niall was injured or if it's something else.

"Hi baby," Harry says softly, approaching her slowly because he could tell she was nervous.

If anyone had told Harry a year ago that he'd be dating a girl that was skittish and nervous, fidgety and clumsy, who wore pink like it was the only colour she owned and was so soft and gentle he'd treat her like glass - he would have laughed and maybe even shot the fucker who suggested it.

This time a year ago if anyone even suggested he was dating at all he would've thought they'd gone insane. Never mind dating someone like Y/N, who just seemed too fragile to bring into his life at all.

𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙎𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now