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You knocked lightly on his door, hoping he wasn't there and you wouldn't have to face him right now. After receiving the news from your manager, you decided it was best if you told your husband you were going to be working with the very same group he told you to stay away from. Considering you both were at work, you hoped and prayed he wouldn't lose his cool and get violent.

He opens the door and looks surprised that you're there, you've never dared to come to his studio since you started working at the same company as him a few weeks ago. "What are you doing here?" He looks calm, it's been a while since he has talked to you so softly.

"I'm sorry to bother you... Ummm, I really need to talk to you." You look down, fidgeting with the splint on your right hand. "What is it?" He takes a step forward and closes the door behind him, moving you both a little bit forward down the hall, he lets his weight fall against the wall and crossed his arms on his chest, looking at you, waiting for an answer.

You stay quiet for a moment, looking at him, he is so much taller than you, his black hair falls over his forehead, and his dark brown eyes that one day used to look at you filled with love and adoration, look empty and emotionless.

"I just got out of a meeting with the directors and managers, and...." You look down again, not able to pronounce the words. "I don't have time for your bullshit, I'm busy" he takes his phone out of his pants and gives it a quick glance, looking back at you and turning to go back to his study.

"Wait, Yunho, please" You touch his arm and he stops in his tracks, letting out an annoyed sight, "They told me they assigned me to that group you mentioned yesterday. I'm gonna be working with them." You let go of him and shrink a little, waiting for his rage to make an appearance. 

"I don't know why you're telling me this. I told you, I work closely with them and that won't be ruined by you." His expression changes, but he is still contained as if he is afraid someone would hear the way he is talking to you.

"You're gonna go back and tell them you refuse. I don't know what stupid excuse you are gonna come up with, but I'm not allowing that." He grabs your arm and twists it a little bit, "I...I tried, I swear, they need more staff..." You whisper, using your other hand to try and push yourself away from him.

"Well figure it out, and don't you dare come back here while I'm working" he twists your arm with full force now, making you yelp in pain. He lets you go and goes back inside the studio, closing the door with a slam. You feel so powerless, your hands coming to cover your face and letting out a broken sob.

You couldn't afford to lose your job, you still had to pay for your education allowances, amongst other things you were responsible for around the house. You felt so trapped with him since your relationship started changing, he had his sick ways of torturing you, he wanted to manipulate and control every aspect of your life, only accepting your job at JYP since he was able to keep track of you at every second of the day.

In a way, your husband didn't love you anymore, but he was not ready to let you go quite yet. You had become a commodity for him, it was convenient for him to have you so submitted and manipulated in every aspect of your life, so much so, that he enjoyed your fear. Of course, it was sick and twisted, but he had messed with your head so much, you were too much of a coward to even try to escape him.

You started to walk back to your department, lost in your thoughts, not realizing someone was coming in front of you and bumping into him. "Shit, I'm so sorry" you started bowing repeatedly, apologizing for your clumsiness. "It's okay, don't worry, I'm the one who should apologize" A chill ran down your spine at the sound of his voice.

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