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The last couple of days, things had been... strange, job had started to pick up, your schedule was always full, and you were leaving the JYP building late at night more often than not. Your relationship with Yunho was strangely good, he was calm and caring, but you couldn't let yourself feel at ease you knew this facade of his would not last long.

On the other hand, your relationship with Chris had been strictly professional. After what had happened at the dorms, he had taken distance from you when you told him you were going home to your husband, and that had hurt like a bitch, considering the fact that you had fallen asleep hugging him.

Maybe it was for the better, even though you liked him in more ways than you should, things were complicated, not only because of your marriage, but because he was a famous person, an idol nonetheless, and he had thousands of eyes watching him at all times and a packed schedule all the time.

You couldn't tell if it was the whole situation, the stress from work or the weather, but you had been feeling like shit, for the last two weeks, your energy was nonexistent, you had a pounding headache all the time and you couldn't stand to eat anything other than soup or plain rice, so you were feeling very tired, and everyone had warned you about how the preparations for the tour would be a pain in the ass, but you didn't expect it would be such turbulence.

"You should get some rest, Y/N", your coworker Suho told you from across the room, she had started to get close to you during the last few weeks, she was one of the hairstylists from the team and had been working with Stray Kids ever since their debut, so she knew how tiring work could get on a full day like today. "I'll go as soon as I finish cleaning up the brushes", you said, there were a shit ton of brushes you used for a lot of different purposes, and you weren't even halfway through it.

"Are you serious? You could finish that tomorrow, I bet you haven't even packed your bags", that was true, you had never traveled abroad, so that whole thing caused a ton of anxiety. Back when Yunho had started poisoning your head, he had told you numerous times that you were guilty of murder, and if you tried running away or leaving the country, he would alert the authorities and you would spend the rest of your life in jail so that leads you to believe him when he said you owed him that he had kept your secret and loved you either way.

"I can help you if you want. I have traveled a lot! It's gonna be so exciting" she says again, distracting you from your train of thought. "Umm, I don't know, I'm kinda scared", you admitted to Suho, still cleaning the foundation brushes, which took a lot of time considering they were full of makeup, "Oh my god, Y/N-ahh", she dropped the hairbrushes she was organizing and came closer to you, "There's nothing to be scared of, I know we won't have much free time, but I can take you to the coolest places, it's gonna be amazing."

The first leg of the tour was starting in Japan, then Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore, and then you'd lost track of the rest of the countries, but you knew that was only the start, cause the tour would continue through America and Australia, but you couldn't understand Suho's excitement. "Yeah, I'm not so sure", you looked back at her, "Geez, you sound as if I'm forcing you to do a horrible thing. Really, you should go home now, you don't look so good". You weren't feeling good either, the anxiety was eating you up.

After putting away the brushes and taking your things with you, you needed to clear your mind a bit, so you headed to the rooftop Chris had shown you a few weeks back, as you got through the emergency door, the cold air hit your face.

Seoul was a beautiful city, and this view was only highlighting that you were sure you only knew about 20% of what was out there, being trapped in your routine didn't allow you to be more careless and risky, than the way you'd been once when you were younger, you were so full of curiosity and adventurous, but not anymore.

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