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Neon signs illuminate the streets, and all the multi-story buildings adorned with colorful anime characters, lettering, and business names light up the night as you stroll around one of the busiest districts of the city, letting yourself get immersed in the trinkets, street food, and cultural demonstrations happening around you. After arriving in Tokyo the day before, and getting your much-needed rest at your hotel bed, Suho had decided it would be good for you to go sightseeing with her.

The idea did not make much sense to you at first, you just wanted to disappear into the mattress and become one with the cozy hotel bed, but now you were actually enjoying seeing the world outside of the bubble you had lived in for so long, suddenly everything had started to feel different for you. Suddenly all those empty threats started blending with the background noise, all those times you thought you were hopeless dissolving into the air.

As you walked around the stores, you had taken the opportunity to renew your wardrobe, buy yourself some new clothes, and other interesting skincare and makeup products you had seen here and there. Suho annoying you all the way from not buying that incredibly expensive short skirt you had spotted in one of the designer brand stores. "Forget it, I'm not buying that." You said to her as she insistingly dropped it in front of the cashier.

Being around her was also a breath of fresh air, she reminded you a lot of Jisoo. Her goofy-like personality, her sense of fashion, and her carefree attitude were something you definitely needed right now to get through the dark cloud following you around these days. The first concert of the tour was starting in a couple of hours but neither you nor Suho were going to be there, considering your whole situation, your boss had allowed your friend to keep you company for the day.

Honestly, you were just enjoying yourself, she had helped you pack your things and got you through the airport craziness while leaving Korea and arriving in Japan. You were going to be here for another day, so you decided to grab something to eat and enjoy the rest of the escapade with your friend while you still could have some free time. Suho was very discreet about everything and you appreciated that she was just supporting you in any way she could.

"So... I think Minho liked the way I've been styling his hair for their latest promotions. He even gave me a half smile", you kept on chewing on your sushi as you listened to her, "Yeah, he is very polite", then it hit you, the way she was slowly moving her food around and sighing deeply.

"Oh my god! You like him!", she instantly dropped her shop sticks and looked directly at you with a scared look, "Shut uppp! It's not like that!", you started laughing at her frustration, "Well deny it all you want, but I can see the way you look at him, the way you treat him", she threw a napkin ball at you, feeling ashamed that you were onto her.

"Ugh, is it that obvious?" She asked, pressing her hands to her face, "Not really, I just noticed the way you drool all over him every time he is near", she slides down to press her face against the table, "Oh no, I won't be able to act normally now", you let out a breathy laugh, "I'm just kidding, he couldn't tell even if you shoved it on his face", she lifted her head again, but surrendered and kept whining about how she didn't know she was in love with him until all she could think about was his striking looks and his uncountable charm.

After teasing her a little more, you both decided to go back to the hotel before all the boys and the rest of the staff got there, everybody sweaty and exhausted from the two-hour-long concert, but with their hearts full from all the energy and love the fans were giving that first night. You decided to call room service and order something to eat before preparing for bed, still smiling to yourself at the way Suho's eyes were shining like stars when she talked about Minho, kinda feeling like her when Chris was around, you just didn't want to admit it yet.

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