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The sound of crunching metal and glass chattering is the only thing you hear, sending shockwaves of adrenaline through your veins. You try to recognize your surroundings, but you feel so dizzy, the air is filled with the acrid smell of burning rubber, tingling with the scent of broken dreams. Your neck and arms hurt like hell, you look to the right to find Jisoo's body lying across the hood of the car. Panic shoots through your body and you start fighting against the seat belt, trying to break yourself free and tend to her wounds.

But you can't, you are trapped, and the buckle of the seat belt is broken, leaving you strapped to the driver's seat. "Jisoo! Jisoo!", you reach for her lower body, trying to move her but failing, her face is covered in blood, on impact, her body went through the windshield, panic shoots through your veins, as you notice she is not moving or responding to your screams. You can't even remove the shoulder strap, it is keeping your chest tight against the car. "Please! Someone help!", you try screaming, hoping someone would hear you.

"Jisoo, wake up, please!", but she won't, she is too far gone, and her injuries are too deep. You start crying, shaking, battling again against the strap, "Help, please, help me!" You are trashing, shaking, sweating, your breathing is uneven. But all of a sudden, Jisoo's body has disappeared from your sight, and everything starts to fade, but you are still trapped, unable to move. "Please, someone, anyone, help", you keep screaming, but you can't hear your voice anymore, it's like you are inside of a tunnel closing in on you.

You snap your eyes open, panting and still trashing against Chris's arms, your face is stained with tears and your body is covered in sweat. You don't know how you got to the floor, but you're laying next to the bed, and he is holding your shoulders. "It was just a dream, you're okay. It's okay, darling", he says almost whispering, trying not to scare you more than you are. It was a dream, a flashback, actually. Once you are aware of your surroundings, you try getting up, and seating up against the bed, you've realized Jisung and Changbin are inside the room as well, and just a moment later, Hyunijn enters with a glass of water on his hand.

"You scared the hell out of us, Noona. We thought someone was hurting you", Hyunjin said passing the glass to Chris. It was your mind the one hurting you, bringing those painful memories back. You look at them feeling lost and disoriented, it's been a long time since you've had nightmares about the accident. You take a sip of the water, "I'm sorry..." You don't know what else to say, still shaken up by the memories. "It's alright, darling", he extends his hand and you take it as he helps you up. "Guys, go back to sleep, I'll stay with her for a little bit". You look at the other 3 boys apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you...", you hug yourself, trying to regain some warmth.

"Don't worry about it, we are just glad you were not being murdered", Jisung says with a chuckle, "Get some rest now!", you thank them and they leave for their rooms, you turn around to face Chris. His face is puffy and his eyes are sleepy, his hair all ruffled from the pillow. "Are you feeling better?", he asks, you actually feel like crying, the memories being all too real, the terror still running through your mind, and you stay silent. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so I'll let you rest", he says, the memories of the moments you shared with him earlier that day hitting you like a train.

He scratches the back of his neck and starts walking toward the door. "Chris... wait", you follow his path, and he turns back to face you "Please don't leave me here alone...", he notices you are still shaking, and his heart shrinks at the sight, as much as he wants to leave, you seem so fragile and scared. "Fine, I'll just stay for a little while", he closes the door, turns the lights off, and joins you on the bed. You lay face to face with him, but you're not touching each other. "Can you... Can you hold me?", you say in a whisper, "Mmhmm, come here", you scoot closer to him and he wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly to his chest.

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