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You knew, even before taking the test that morning, you knew because that was the only explanation for being tired and moody all the time. Your nausea and vomiting weren't going away no matter how hard you tried to control it with over-the-counter medicines or soup. And of course, the bigger red flag was that your period was supposed to come over 2 weeks ago, but it never came and now you knew why.

But you weren't planning on telling Yunho, or anyone else for that matter. Hell, you didn't even know what you wanted to do about it, it was obvious your marriage was in no position for you to be bringing a baby into the world, but you couldn't help but think about all those conversations you and your husband had about starting a family when the time was right. That's why you were careless about birth control, but what you hadn't planned was that Yunho would force himself on you without any protection whatsoever.

This time wasn't right either, with him humiliating and attacking you the way that he was, telling him was the last thing you wanted to do, but it was your only chance at making him stop the brutal blows and kicks he was serving you with. You slowly took your head out from between your knees to look at him. Surprisingly, he was staring at you as if you were the one who had kicked him in the stomach, he takes a few steps back, still looking at you like you are a ghost.

"What?... But you...", he can't find the words to speak. Clearly, he wasn't expecting you to break this news when he was having a moment. But as soon as his surprise came, the realization of something darker hits him with the force of a hundred trucks. "Oh no, no, no. You won't fool me. I bet it's not even mine." Your stomach turns again, and you can almost taste the acid coming from your guts in your mouth. You scoot back a little, supporting your body against the wall, still covering your lower abdomen, "How could you say that, Yunho?", you can't believe he's fallen this low.

"That's what you were doing when you ran away? Fucking him?", he looks down at you with utter hate. "You're such a disgusting bitch. I can't believe you", he turns around grabbing his hair and brushing his hands up and down his face, as if he is trying to erase those thoughts from his brain. You take it as your opportunity to get up from the floor, wincing in pain as you do so. "I would never.... Don't you remember the night I told you I didn't want to have sex and you forced me?", you are done being good and obedient.

Once you were sure the pregnancy test came back positive, your first thought was not happiness. It was fear, not for you, but for your unborn child. And that had pushed you to take the courage to fight back now, "Cause I remember it very clearly, Yunho. Every time you would push me or hit me for whatever reason. I won't let you do that to my baby." Even with your whole body screaming in pain, you forced yourself to go to the bedroom and take a bag from the closet.

Throwing whatever you could find in there while you could, once you were finished, you went back out of the room. He was still standing in the living room, his back turned to you. Mustering all the courage to go past him, you started walking toward the front door. "I'm leaving, Yunho. I can't do this anymore". He was unmoving, his eyes glued to the floor as you walked past him. "You are not going anywhere", he said as he grabbed the back of your hair with his whole hand, pulling at your scalp and busting your face against the kitchen counter.

The pain was so blinding you couldn't even breathe or see anything for a second, losing your balance and cracking your knees against the floor, "You are nothing, Y/N. If that baby is even mine, I don't want it. Do you think you'd be a good mother? You are not even a decent woman." He is hovering over you, you can see his shoes from your position curled up on the floor, the skin of your eyebrow is torn open again and there's blood everywhere, you are panting heavily, crying silently.

He crouches in front of you, and pushes your body to the side, to reveal your face to him. "I'm done with you, Y/N. I'll make sure you get nothing, I'll make sure your life is ruined, and I'm starting with this", he throws a set of painful punches to your abdomen. "No, no, please...", you say to him gasping, trying to cover yourself.

You can see the way he lifts his fist again, but as if on cue, the door bursts open, and in seconds, your house is full of police officers, tackling Yunho to the floor, and handcuffing him but as his face hits the cold floor, his eyes stay glued to yours. "I fucking hate you", it's the last thing he says to you as they lift him up the floor and out of the house to take him into police custody. Chris is standing by the door, instructing the paramedics to check on you, they are assessing your wounds and applying pressure to your bleeding face.

But you feel so weak, you start to lose track of what is real and what's not. Chris comes into your line of vision after a few seconds, taking your hand in his with his eyes full of unshed tears. "You're gonna be okay", he says to you, and his voice stays in your head like a lullaby. The paramedics keep asking you questions, but you can't keep track anymore, you can't speak, or think, so you just allow the tiredness to take over as you faint right then and there.

Chris watches as the paramedics load you into a gurney and inside the ambulance. He is working on autopilot now, getting inside the small space and watching as they place an oxygen mask on your face and try to contain the blood gushing out of your eyebrow. They start asking him questions and he realizes how little he knows you, your allergies, medical conditions, blood type, or any other important information for the moment. His heart breaks at the sight of you so fragile, unconscious. He should've been there earlier, he beats himself up for that.

He was picking out clothes and trying to organize all his things before putting everything into his luggage when he received your call. A chill ran down his spine the minute he saw your name on the screen of his phone, picking up immediately, he instantly knew where things were going in your household, and he heard enough from the conversation to know he had to do something. So he dropped everything and ran to the parking lot, starting his car and calling the police on the way.

But he didn't get there on time, Yunho had already damaged your beautiful face and broken your spirit once again. He was just glad he was now under police custody and this nightmare would be over for you. Once they got to the hospital, he was not allowed to follow the doctors as they took you to an exam room to asses your wounds. Chris was losing his mind, waiting for any news to let him know you were okay, but time was not moving, and his mind only wandered to dark places as the minutes passed.

Once he was able to get his thoughts straight, he called their manager and only told him to get to the hospital you were being checked in. He knew you wouldn't want anyone at work to know, but the truth is, he didn't know what else to do, or who else to call. The members were already asking him why he had left in such a hurry and he didn't want to worry them even more, knowing they were a few days away from starting a world tour.

"Chan, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Doyun comes into Chris's view with a worried expression on his face. He hadn't told him anything as to why he was in the hospital, just asking him to rush there as soon as he could. "Yeah... I'm fine. It's actually Y/N." Doyun looks lost now. "Let's go somewhere quiet, I'll tell you everything". Chris's face is covered with a mask, a cap, and his hoodie, so there is little to no chance he would get recognized here but they have to be careful, they don't want to raise any speculations amongst the fans.

"Oh god, I can't believe that bastard", Doyun says after hearing everything Chris had told him about your situation, without going into full detail, he had explained that the very same producer that worked with them was an abuser. Doyun instantly used all his and the company's power to make this better for you, with more privacy, and assistance for whatever you needed.

After what seemed like hours, the nurse finally instructed you were stable enough for him to see you. His heart sank in his chest even more when he saw you there, laying on that hospital bed, the side of your face covered on a thick bandage and your arms hocked to the machines, surrender by a bunch of cables and breathing softly.

"Oh, angel", he comes inside the room and reaches for your hand. Feeling your cold fingertips and the way you can't almost grip his from how weak you are. You rise your gaze at him, your eyes filling with unshed tears. "Please tell me the baby is okay", Chris feels close to fainting as he hears you say those words. "W-what?", he says looking at your stomach.

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