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It's cold. That's the first thing you feel when you regain consciousness. You can't really tell where you are, there's a piece of cloth covering your eyes. You feel dizzy and disoriented as you try to get it off, but your movements are lethargic, your headache is so strong you can barely think.

You remove the blindfold fluttering your eyes, just to be met with extreme darkness again, you're laying on the floor and you can tell from the little light thread passing underneath the door, it's a small, empty room, it feels like a cabin by the hardwood floor. The wind blows hard, making noise as it flows through the small blacked out window in the room, and you can hear the trees moving outside. You get on your side to try and get up, but you can only manage to sit and lean on the wall behind you.

The right side of your body is all wet, your clothes are dampened, not helping at all with the cold you feel, you're starting to shiver. You figure they must have placed you in an abandoned or dirty room, but it's only when you reach to touch the back of your head where the pain is unbelievably strong, that you realize it must be blood. You can feel it trickling on the back of your neck and your hair is also wet and matted where you touch.

You must have a serious concussion, cause you can't even be scared or try to get up and run. You know you're gonna faint soon by the numbing feeling on your fingertips and the white spots dancing on your vision. You hear steps coming from the outside of the room, and you try to stay awake, waiting for whoever is keeping you here to come through the door. They're moving furniture around, you can feel how the ground shakes, and hear the dragging sound of furniture against the floor.

You try getting on your knees, supporting yourself with one hand on the wall and the other on the floor, but just as you move one of your legs to stand, you're brought back down by a harsh pull on your ankle and the crackling sound of metal dragging against the floor, you're chained to the wall. You are aware of the metal cuff locked to your ankles just now, you're still weak and fighting against the raging headache, to even notice the door opening.

The light from the outside is blinding, your eyes are not used to so much brightness after spending who knows how much time blindfolded and in the darkness of this mold smelling room. You back up, curling up against the wall, it's a man, you can tell by his tall figure, but you can't recognise him yet. The light is still too much for your eyes.

He approaches you, squatting down to your level and reaching his hand to grab your jaw forcefully, making you lift your head to look at him. He is wearing a sky mask, so you can't really tell who he is. "Aren't you a pretty little thing, huh? Yunho was right, I'd had fun with you." A chill runs down your spine and you try to get away from his grip. He inspects your face a little longer and then lets you go.

"W-who are y-you?" It's the first time you talk and your voice is hoarse and low. He stands up again and looks down at you. "You don't need to know that now", he says and turns his back on you. "Wait, please! Don't leave me here, please!", you try to bargain with him, you don't know exactly where you are, or who he is, but you need to at least try. "Oh, don't worry. He is coming to get you soon." And with that, he leaves and locks the door behind him, submerging you in the darkness and cold again. Alone.


He reads the words over and over again, trying not to panic. The email he just received is awfully detailed and descriptive about all the rooms on this building, all the fire scapes and cameras placed up and down the walls of JYP Entertainment, that's why sitting at this desk and staring at the screen JYP can't just let this pass as a simple threat.

"...I think it is awfully disrespectful to dismiss one of your employees after everything they did for you. And for what? A cheating, lying bitch? Here's your deal. You're gonna transfer a few million dollars to my account and save yourself and your whole staff some nasty burns. I have placed bombs on every exit door, practice and recording room in your little building.

And of course, you're going to fire the stupid lawyers trying to keep me away from my wife. I just got her back and I'm not about to let her go because of your pretty boy.  Should not be hard to wire the money within 6 hours, right?. Oh, and don't even think of alerting the police, cause I'm gonna be watching you very closely. Also, another small detail, don't let anyone go in or out the building or it's gonna trigger a few booms. Tik tok Mr Boss."

He decides not to take any changes and storms out of the door of his office, reaching his assistance desk and instructing her to trigger the security procedures. "No one can go out or in, under any circumstances, is that clear?", she just nods and proceeds to alert the rest of the staff. He leaves the office and heads to the recording room he assumes Chris must be in, not without going to one of the rooms described on the email and checking for anything unusual. Everything seems okay, there's nothing out of place or strangely placed.

His phone rings in his pocket and a chill runs down his body when he reads the message he just received, "Do you think I'm bluffing? I might have to trigger one of the bombs for you to believe me." As he turns around to look for the cameras in the room, there's a moment of eerie stillness, a pause that hangs heavy in the air, before the peace is shattered by an earth-shattering roar.

In that split second, the explosion reverberates through every fiber of the floor, rattling the windows and doors, and he falls to the floor, covering his head, trying to avoid pieces of debris hitting him. His ears are ringing and his heart pounding on his chest. It's chaos all around.


A loud noise wakes you up, the door opens and the light from the outside blinds you for a second. The guy who's  keeping you here comes to you, kneeling down and opening the lock to the cuff on your ankle. He pulls it away from your body and reaches for his pockets, looking for something on his jeans.
You sit up, trying to figure what the hell he is doing, then when he takes out a zip tie from one of his pockets, you feel a shiver running down your neck. You try to move again from him, but he is faster, taking your wrist and pulling you towards him. "Don't touch me" you pull your arm back but it's useless, you are in no position to fight against him.

"Behave. Give me your other hand", he holds your left arm, and when you don't move, he grabs your right wrist and works the zip tie around both your hands. Once he secures it, making sure not to cut your circulation, but also keeping your hands bound, he pulls you up by your elbows. Your knees scream in pain, from being in the same position for so long, which makes you wince in pain as you walk with him out the door.

You were right, you are in a cabin in the woods somewhere. Being left in the dark and loneliness for so long has messed with your sense of orientation and time. You don't know what day it is, or where you could possibly be. But the cabin is small and old, it seems like nobody's been here for a long while. After he pulls you out of the room, he takes you downstairs and makes you sit in one of the couches layed on the living room. After a few seconds, the main door opens "It's so good to see you again, baby" your husband says.

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