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To be completely honest, you're not really sure if you want him to stop. You just know being here with him feels right. His hands roam your sides and then settle on the small of your back, he uses the leverage to pull you closer and you place your arms around his neck, titling your head up and connecting your lips to his.

He takes one step closer to the bed, until the back of your knees are pressed against the edge of the mattress. You both climb onto the bed, his hands never leaving your body, once you are propped against the pillows, he settles beside you, one hand on your hips and the other by your nape. But suddenly, you feel the urge to cover yourself, reaching behind you and bringing the sheets over your body as much as you can in this position. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, darling", Chris says.

"My body is covered in scars, Chris... I'm so broken, it's embarrassing", your tear-filled eyes meet his, "We all have scars Y/N, but that doesn't mean we are broken beyond repair." He catches the rolling tears from your cheeks with his thumb. "If you only knew how much I'm hypnotized by you and everything you are", he kisses you one more time, cupping your face with both hands.

Your legs intertwine with his, creating a mess of limbs as the kiss starts to get more urgent, his hands reach your back and unclasp your bra, rearranging the positions as he discards the piece of undergarments to the floor beside the bed. He is on top of you now, your chest flushed against his, and he grunts at the feeling of your hardened nipples on his skin. You arch your back, pushing yourself up to feel more of him, your hands are all over his back, shoulders and hair.

His hands travel from your legs, up your ass and hips, tracing your ribs and reaching your breasts, his fingers caress your nipple softly, exploring and studying your reactions, watching in awe as you whimper at the mere touch. "Chris...", you mumble against his lips with urgency. "Can I kiss 'em?", he asks, and as you nod, he connects his lips with your chest, fondling the other one with his hand.

He pays the same attention to both your nipples, making soft noises as his plush lips leave a trail of spit behind, making them perk up as the cold air hits your skin. You press your thighs together unconsciously, looking for some friction to relieve the pressure between your legs, and of course Chris notices. When his lips come in contact with yours again, you're panting, desire rushing through your veins like never before. You'll realize later that day, you've never felt this way, not even with your ex husband.

Pressing your bodies together, you notice his hard cock against the top of your thighs, and he accommodates on top of you one more time, but this time, you spread your legs apart, and he settles between them. "Fuck!" he whispers against your lips, as his crotch comes in contact with your clothed cunt. He starts grinding softly at first, but then as the minutes passes and your whimpers turn to moans he lets his full weight onto you, only holding himself up on his elbows, caging you underneath him, his arms on either side of your head.

The whole time, Chris is leaving wet kisses on your chest, your neck and anywhere his lips can reach, and you are doing the same on his skin, your hands all over his back, and when you feel bold, you let your hands reach down to his ass, pushing him onto you with force, making him groan in pleasure. You can feel how wet you are from how your underwear is sticking to your pussy, and wetting his as he moves up and down.

But as he rearranges himself to get higher, the warm feeling disappears and the memories come back rushing through your eyes, and suddenly, it's not Chris anymore, it's Yunho all over again, caging you in, forcing you, you can feel his hands all over you, the pain in your core is blinging as your brain takes you back to that night, and you cover your face trying to stop the slap to your face. "No, no, no, please", you push Chris back, trying to get him off you, and as far away as you possibly can considering the small space you are in.

He sits back on his heels, giving you space and watching you as you back away from him,  "What... Hey, it's okay", his hands try reaching you, but you're in full panic mode now, "No! Don't touch me!", he lifts his hands as if to show you he is not a threat, but as he does, you flinch back, "Please don't! I'm sorry, please...", you cover your face and chest with your arms, shrinking, crying,  waiting for the blow that never comes. Instead, you feel a blanket covering your shoulders, and once you come to your senses again, you can see he is sitting at the other edge of the bed.

"I'm so sorry I scared you", he looks ashamed, his shirt is back on, "You can stay here if you want, yeah? I'm gonna stay with Jisung or Felix", your vision is clouded by tears, but you can see as he moves slowly, thinking deliberately on his every move, getting up the bed and walking towards his desk, to grab his phone. "You're leaving?" you ask in a thin voice.

"I'm... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable", he scratches the back of his neck, looking down, "Don't leave, please", you say, a few tears still rolling down your cheeks. "I can't, not when you are scared of me... Not when you thought that I would", he looks down at his hands, searching for evidence of a crime he didn't commit. You hold the edge of the blanket with your arms crossed over your chest, and get up the bed, walking towards him.

Once you are in front of him, you let go of the blanket and place your hands on his cheeks, making him look you in the eye, "I'm not scared of you, Chris. I swear, I could never", he can't stand the thought of your panicked face, so he takes his eyes off yours. "Remember I told you I was broken? This is what I was talking about, Chris... I really want to try this with you, but I need to go slowly. Can we do that?" His eyes are full of tears, he is so reluctant to touch you, you have to take his hands and place them on your hips again.

"Of course, we can go as slow as you want. But please don't ever, ever think I would raise my hand to hurt you, yeah? Promise me", you nod in agreement as you hug him again, placing a soft kiss to his lips, "I promise". As much as you want to continue with your heated make up session, he suggests you take a shower as he orders food at the room service and showers himself while you wait.

After drying your skin and trying to remove the dampness of your hair, Chris had dressed you with one of his hoodies and sleeping shorts, as your underwear was still wet. He laid beside you on the california king bed of the hotel room, after eating together. His eyes shine under the dim lights of the room, you poke his dimples and he giggles softly, "Did you know dimples are lucky charms?", he brings his own finger to his face. "I didn't, but I'm starting to believe that. I met you after all." You huff in annoyance, "You're so cheesy", you tease him back, giggling. He shrugs, "It has taken me places, you know?", you laugh hard now. "Oh shut up, Mr. Songwriter".

You lay your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart, as he moves his hand up and down your arm, playing with your hair with his other hand. "What are you thinking about, beautiful?", he notices as you go silent, spiraling in your own thoughts. "Umm, I was thinking I don't know if I have a place to go to when we go back to Korea", you confess as you draw invisible figures on his chest. "You know you can stay with us at the dorms for as long as you need", he offers, grabbing your chin and kissing you, "I know".

It had become your little routine for the rest of the tour, meeting by the hotel pool, eating a meal together and then going back to his room, sneaking from the other members and staff, having hot little make out sessions here and there, talking about life, music, and everything you could come up with. Some days you would even skip the pool and just go straight to cuddling after a long day of promotions and performances.

As you were getting everything ready to pack everything up after a concert in Los Angeles, Suho comes stomping through the door, brushing past everyone in her way, almost sprinting to get to you and yanking your arm back with force, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!", you try to get her to let go of your arm, "What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with YOU?" she lets you go and places her phone in your hand. It's an article, with a very clear picture of you and Chris at a hotel pool, the headline reading "Bang Chan leader of Stray Kids busted with a mysterious girl in a heated kiss".

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