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Note/TW: This chapter contains graphic violence and descriptions of non consensual sexual activity.

If Chris had any patience with Yunho, it was starting to wear thin before he even knew the whole story. Your husband had started working with them three months ago, coming off as a great producer and a charming, fun guy. So hearing him talking to you in the way he had witnessed since he met you, erased every trace of respect he ever had for him and transformed to rage. "Thank you for your input on the meeting with the managers, Y/N", Chris said looking at you, his hand coming up to slightly touch your shoulder, not even bothering to look at your husband.

Yunho is standing in the hallway, in front of the door to the dressing rooms, his arms crossed leaning against the wall. You feel like a deer in headlights, you don't know where to look or what to do, Chris looks for your eyes and finds your scared expression looking at him for a second and then directing your gaze towards your husband. "Thank you. I should go now", he keeps his hand on your arm, as if he is trying to tell you not to go with him, but there's nothing either of you can do, at least not here, not right now.

You go back inside the room and fetch your things, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone, trying to get out of there as fast as you can to avoid chaos. Chris stays behind, looking at Yunho straight in the eyes, with a confident look. "I need you to be here early tomorrow, we have to finish the last track", even though the height difference between them is evident, Chris knows he has the upper hand here, but it frustrates him like hell to know you are going back home to Yunho.

The drive home is almost dead silent, and nothing scares you more than when he is calm and quiet. Once you get to your place, he lets you walk first into the bedroom, towering over you, your movements are unfocused, and your breathing elaborated, he closes the door behind him and comes closer to you, trapping your body against his and the wall, just as you are about to speak he grabs the back of your neck and stars kissing your hungrily and aggressively, you mewl against his lips, your hands coming up to his chest, trying to put some distance between you two.

But his grip on your neck is strong, he is pressing his whole weight on you, eliminating any distance separating you. "Mmmm...." you try talking but it's almost impossible, you push his chest again and he finally lets you go, "What are you doing!?", the back of your hand comes up to your face, whipping the remaining spit covering your lips, gasping for air. "You're mine... I think I need to remind you of that so you stop playing around with that pretty boy", you're petrified now, and with an incredulous look in your eyes you move away from him a little bit, "What are you talking about, Yunho? I'm not doing anything with anyone", you wish you could run, run away from him, from your mind, from your past, from what's about to happen.

In a split second, he's onto you, grabbing your arms and throwing you on the bed, "You're mine, baby. No one else will love you as I do, no one will forgive you as I did." your whole body hits the mattress and your face is buried on the pillows, you knew he was possessive of you, but he had never done anything like this. He crawls on the bed and onto you, taking your arms and caging them below his knees, "Yunho, please stop", its all you can say, over and over, as his hands caress your hair and your back, but it feels wrong, dirty. His arms are on either side of your head, his face now close to yours "You were wearing his jacket, I need to remind you whom you belong to, baby."

"No, no, please..." You start kicking your legs and trashing against him, trying to get him off you. "I don't want to, Yunho, please, please...." you're sobbing, crying hopelessly, you hear as he starts removing his clothes, once he gets rid of his shirt and belt, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing your head back, "Be quiet", he pushes your head against the pillows and moves down your body, removing your pants and underwear. You're trying to catch your breath, trashing your arms, and pleading, begging him to stop. "Stop, s-stop, please. L-Let me g-go".

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