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"I don't know what to do anymore, Minho. I don't know how to help her, I'm so worried", Suho says as she prepares coffee for him in her kitchen. "I know, babe. Chan is the same, he doesn't talk to anyone, or care for anything. He is pissed all the time, and it doesn't help that he is still fighting with Seungmin," Minho says, coming behind her and hugging her.

You are listening to their conversation unintentionally as you lay in bed in the spare room Suho is letting you stay in. You've been sinking in this bed for the last 10 days, only going out to meet the lawyers and the doctors for all the medical exams you've had to go through to prove your husband abused you for the past year, which was absolutely degrading and humiliating.

Different doctors had looked at your records, reviewed injuries, medicines they've prescribed, follow up appointments, X rays, blood tests and what not. The lawyers even gotta speak to the paramedics and police officers who took you out of your house the night of the fight with Yunho. It was weird how it all felt distant and disconnected, you answered their questions, but you couldn't recognise the person they were talking about.

Days melted into each other as you waited for the results to come back to the lawyers. You hadn't thought about Chris until you heard Minho mentioned him. But as soon as the sound of his voice came back to your ears in a distant memory, your heart ached. He had been trying to contact you everyday since he left you waiting by the river, but it was just too hard to answer the phone. He knew you were living with Suho, but he didn't want to invade your space.

You were tired of the excuses, tired of the manipulation, tired of the harassment, tired of it all. The weight on your chest became a constant company. Getting out of bed was harder today, reliving the abuse, the injuries, the miscarriage, it just reminded you that everything you were living with Chris was just you trying to fool yourself, thinking you could forget about your past, but reality is a bitch and there is so much you can do.

"Hey, do you want to eat something? Minho and I are ordering some food," Suho asks from the door, but you just shake your head no. "Come on, Y/n. You haven't eaten in two days, this isn't good for you." You turn around on the bed, trying to avoid her, but she insists. "It'll lift up your mood, we can order from that sushi place you like!" She comes into the room and sits on the bed.

She touches your back, and you try to get her hand off you, shaking your shoulders and bringing your knees to your chest, trying to make yourself smaller. You notice Minho is standing by the door, looking at the whole scene. "I won't let you sink into this depression anymore, let's go. Get up." She tries to move you again, but you are reaching your limit, "Leave me alone, Suho" you tell her, you just want to go back to sleep.

Now it's Minho who says, "If it makes you feel any better, he told me what happened. It was not his fault he could make it Y/n, you have to understand." And that triggers the rage you've been building up the last few days, "I have to understand?" you let laugh full of sarcasm, "No, you both need to understand that I need you to leave me the fuck alone." You get up from the bed and look for your jacket in the closet. "Hey, don't be a dick. We are trying to help you," Suho says, getting up the bed too.

"Well fuck off, I don't want your help," you grab your shoes and walk to the door, "You don't mean that. Where are you going?" she grabs your arm, still trying to stop you from leaving. You turn back to her again, "What are you now? My mom?" you take your arm back from her grasp, "Listen, I'm not trying to fight or annoy you, I just want to know what is going on, you sleep all day, it's been too long since you went to work, you are not eating. I'm just worried about you, we all are." She says, and you know she is referring to Minho and Chris.

"You want to know what is going on?" you turn back to look at Minho, with the same rage built in your chest, you can't hold it anymore. "What is going on is that I'm about to be locked up in a mental institution because my husband who abused the fuck out of me for years doesn't want a divorce." Your breathing is heavy and you are looking back and forth between them,"What is going on Suho, is that I lost a baby because he beat the crap out of me while I was pregnant."

There's tears rolling down your cheeks now, "What is going on is that the CEO of the company we work for threatened me, and if I lose the lawyers I have right now, Yunho is going to kill me for sure this time." You turn back to look at Minho now, "And the only person I thought I could trust and maybe, maybe love one day, stood me up. And I am over the excuses, I am done waiting for people to help me. I am done fighting. So leave me alone, please."

You go past Minho, putting on your shoes and jacket and walking out of the apartment. You don't really know where you are going, you just know you need to get out, clear your head. You had mentioned a few things to Suho, but not the whole story, never the whole story. You were too embarrassed to admit it, and now because of your tantrum, you had told not only Suho, but Minho as well, and so to say you felt humiliated was an understatement.

Your phone starts to vibrate on the inside of your pocket, but right now, you just want to disappear, so you turn it off, and keep walking. It's probably been three hours since you left Suho's apartment, and you are tired. Not eating for days and walking this much was not a very good idea, so you stop at a convenience store and buy a few snacks.

You turn your phone back on after a while, wanting to text Suho and apologize. None of this was her fault, and after some much needed alone time, you've realized you've been completely out of line with her, which she didn't deserve after everything she had done for you. But as soon as your phone turns on, there's hundreds of messages on your inbox, from Chris, from Suho. But the ones that stand out the most are the ones from your lawyer.

Mr Yejun:
6:43pm - "The results of the tests came back"
6:44pm - "We have a 99% chance of winning the case"

9:06pm - "Mrs Park, we need to talk, ASAP"
9:07pm - "Call me as soon as you can, it's urgent"

9:29pm - "Mrs Park? I'm trying to reach you, but it's going straight to voicemail"
9:31pm - "Where are you? Are you somewhere safe?"

The urgency of the messages was starting to scare you. Messages from Suho, and Minho started coming through as well, all asking where you were and if you were okay. But the last one from Mr Yejun, made a chill run down your back.

9:50pm - "The police station reported Yunho escaped. Please be careful Mrs Park, surely he is looking for you."

You take your eyes off your phone and look around frantically, in the haze of panic, you can't think straight. It's getting late and you are far from Suho's apartment, in an unknown part of the city. But as you turn around to go back to the main street and stop a cab, a blow to your head stops you, and you fall to the floor, cracking your knees. There's dark spots dancing on your vision, and you feel the drops of blood running down your neck, another blow hits you and everything goes dark.

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