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"You must have brain damage from the last time I fucking hit you", Yunho says coming closer to you, and picking up the tickets from the floor, "See? This is why I can't be nice to you, Y/N. I apologized, I got on my knees for you, and swallow my pride and what do I get from you?" You instantly back out, shrinking down, he is towering over you, "This bullshit. You are not going anywhere, you can't leave me, you can't run away from me. Need I remind you that I could end your life in the blink of an eye?", he hits you in the face with the pieces of paper, now all crumbled and ruined, making you flinch with every hit.

"Yunho, I'm not trying to leave you. It's just my job", you try to reason with him as he stands there, admiring your courage to talk back to him. "Well, well. What do we have here? A smart ass bitch who thinks she has a say in all this", then he rips the paper into small pieces, ripping your hope away, "No, no, stop, no....", you try and stop him, but it's worthless now. "Why, why would you do that?", you say through tears, almost whispering, not wanting to fuel his anger any further. You get on your knees to pick up the pieces without realizing that only give him the upper hand to grab a fistful of your hair to yank your head back.

"Your little game ends now. You really thought I was gonna let you go?", you just look at him through your tears, you are so tired of fighting, of crying and pleading for him not to hurt you. "How do you think your boy toy is gonna look at you when he finds out you are a murderer?" You shake your head, and bring your hands up to his wrists, trying to get him to let go of your hair. "I'm not, it was an accident Yunho", then the first hit of the night comes, he pushes your head against the kitchen counter will all his force, "It was an accident you fucking caused", your head throbs with pain.

He lets go of your hair and comes down to your level, taking your jaw and sinking his large fingers into your delicate skin. "You thought I didn't know what you got going on with that boy? I can see the way you act around him, such an attention whore", you shake your head again, and he brings his full weight on you, making you fall back on the floor, as he straddles you, "Why don't you admit it once and for all. Say it. Admit that you killed my sister and her fiancé", he grabs your neck and starts cutting your air supply, he is not crushing you, but applying enough force to make you feel dizzy.

You trash underneath him, "Say it, Y/N. Say you are a murderer and a stupid bitch", you can't even talk, but you are shaking in fear, a very fucked up part of your head, knows he is right, it is your fault, everything that had happened that night had been your fault, and everything happening right now was your fault as well, you had let him treat you like that, you permitted him to abuse you and bring you to the nothing you were right now.

"Say it or swear I'll fucking destroy you", he slaps your face and punches your arm with his free hand, still not letting go of your neck. "I killed them", you say in a whisper, staring at him. He smirks and loosens his grip on you, "And?", he is still not satisfied with your answer, he wants you to keep humiliating yourself, "I'm a stupid bitch", he lets out a loud breathy laugh, "I knew it. But don't worry baby. I still love you either way. I'm the only one who would love you, I'm the only one who still wants you after all", he has convinced himself of that, and now you believe him.

Chris didn't need someone like you in his life, you were too fucked up, used, and broken, and Yunho was right, he was the only one who would put up your shit anyway. You felt so embarrassed and defeated. He finally lets you go and gets up, when you feel the weight of his hand lift from your neck, you inhale a sharp breath, coughing, trying to breathe normally again. He comes back near you and yanks you up by your upper arms. "Ahh" you wince, his fingers dig into your skin, you know for sure that's gonna leave dark purple bruises, "You are going to call him right now, and tell him that you are not going to travel with them".

"What?... Yunho, please don't make me do that", you look at him with pleading eyes, he is holding your phone in front of you. "Do it or I'm gonna make you regret it", he is so calm, yet you know him, and you know this is when he is the worst. "I don't have his number", you try getting out of it, "You think I'm fucking stupid?", he is so pissed right now, he hits you with the phone on the chest, knocking the air out of your lungs again.

You writhe in pain, gasping in short breaths, and holding your arms out to try and stop another blow. You take the phone from him and dial Chris's number, but as you take it to your ear he says, "Don't be a smart ass, put it on speaker", you do as he says, and the line starts ringing.

Please don't pick up

Please don't pick up

Please don't pick up

"Y/N?", you hear Chris's voice on the other side of the line, but you can't talk. You just look at Yunho with pleading eyes. "Y/N? Are you there? Are you okay?", you've never actually called him since he gave you his number on a piece of paper the day you ran into him on the elevator. Yunho brings his hand up to slap you again, but you are faster this time and move away from his touch, "Hi, Chris. Umm, sorry for calling this late." You take the opportunity to talk to him and move out of the kitchen, walking backward to the living room, your husband not taking his eyes off you for a second.

"It's fine. Are you okay? Did something happen?", for a split second you consider telling him the truth, that your husband is forcing you to do this and beating the crap out of you, "Umm, no. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to join you guys on the tour", but you don't, you don't do it because that'll mean you were digging your own grave. There's a silence on the other line, he doesn't know what to say.

"Well, that's a bummer. But I, I understand", you are sweating and shaking, the nausea crippling back up your throat. He knows, he knows what's going on, it must be. Yunho mouths at you, signaling for you to cut the call, "Thank you, I'll let the managers know tomorrow", and then you put the phone down, but you don't hang up, you leave the line open, for Chris to hear the rest of the conversation.

"You fucking told him?" Yunho yells at you, coming closer to you again, "You heard what I said to him! I did what you told me to", it becomes a chase, him trying to corner you and you trying to run away. But you don't want to get too far from the phone, in case Chris is still there, it's your only hope. "You are only making it worse on yourself Y/N", he is so irritated, but the adrenaline rushing through your body won't let you get caught, you need to buy time, at least to postpone the inevitable fact that his fist will connect with your face at some point in the night.

"Please Yunho, I did everything you told me to. Don't hurt me, please. I can't take it anymore", you say to him, but it's over now, the chase was exciting for him, like a wolf chasing after a bunny, but his patience was over and his hunger for blood was higher than ever. In a swift move, he takes two large steps and grabs your arms, throwing you against the wall of the living room. Your face and shoulder hitting the cold brick wall as you fall to the floor.

"You think you are so smart. You will take it because it's what you deserve", he laughs, everything hurts and you just want this to end. But you can't give up, not now, "You brought this on yourself, Y/N. I was trying to be good, but you push me every time", and then the pain shoots through your abdomen as he lands kick after kick, "No, no, stop!", you try protecting your stomach with your arms and legs, only to receive an even harder blow to your forearm. "Please, please stop!", but he doesn't, he just keeps hitting you whenever it lands, until you scream at the top of your lungs "Stop, Yunho! I'm pregnant, please stop!".

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