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"Ahh.." the sharp pain radiates through your head as Yunho tries to clean and bandage the wound in the back of your head, where the bat his friend smashed against you hit. He removed the ties from your wrists, took you to the bathroom and allowed you to shower and change your damped clothes. Now you're sitting in the small bathroom toilet, watching his moves. "Why are you doing this, Yunho?", you finally take the time to look him in the eye. You've known all his different facades, but this one is different, you can't even recognize him anymore, he looks gone.  

He drops the bandages on the sink and crutches to your level, he reaches out to touch your face, but you flinch slightly. He takes his hand away from your face, and sighs. "Don't you understand, baby? I don't ever wanna be apart from you, you're my whole life." You stay silent and he keeps his stare on you, he tries to touch you again, and this time you let him, but as his hand comes in contact with your face delicately, tracing your cheek and jaw, your body reacts involuntarily, sending a chill down your spine, you don't want that forced contact, you just want him to let you go.

"Everything I've done is because I love you, because I can't stand the thought of losing you." You reach for his hand that's still touching your face, and move it again from you but don't let him go yet. "That's not true, Yunho." He removes his hand from your grasp but keeps his eyes on you. "You don't hurt the person you love. If you'd loved me, the way you say you do, you wouldn't have done all that you did to me. You made my life a living hell, Yunho. That's not what you do to your wife."

Suddenly he stands up to his feet, pacing across the small space, your words echoing through his mind. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that... It's just that I couldn't stand the thought of you leaving me." You stand too, "I was never going to leave you! But you destroyed me, Yunho. I couldn't stand it anymore."

It's all out in the open now, you had never stood up to him like this, never told him how much he had hurt you. He brings his hands to his hair and pulls, as if trying to stop his demons. "Yes you were, and I can't live without you. I'm sure, I'm sure..." He keeps mumbling to himself, words you can't understand just yet, he turns his back to you, cutting you off from the conversation with himself.

"Yunho..." you touch his back and he turns immediately, his eyes are bloodshot and full of unshed tears. His face looks disfigured, his demons rising once again. "Why don't you get it?" He holds your upper arms forcefully, smashing you against the wall. The world stops and you can't think. Not again, please. "I did everything for you, everything Y/n! The thousand jobs, the fucking house you wanted, the loans, leaving my damn family. And the accident..." Your eyes travel back to him, his demeanor changes and suddenly he starts laughing, letting go of your arms and wiping his tears.

"The accident was the perfect excuse to manipulate you. You were going to be with me for the rest of your life whether you wanted to or not... Until that stupid pretty boy came to ruin it all". Your mouth opens, but no words leave your mouth, you're still trying to process his words. "Wh-What? What do you mean?" He comes close to you again, his incredible height becoming evident as he towers over you. "You were so easy to fool, baby." His hand comes in contact with the back of your neck and he pulls you closer.

"I was going to jail for drunk driving, but I had a lot of time to think while you were unconscious, and when you finally woke up from the coma after a month, you had amnesia." That can't be true, you remember it all. How you stopped and changed seats, how Jisoo was singing along to the song on the radio on the passenger seat, how the sound of the crunching metal still rings in your ears from time to time. "Can't remember, can you? When I was sure you didn't remember any of it, I planted those memories in your head and made it believable enough for the police to get off my back."

You take his hand off of you, and move away from him, patting your hand across the walk, trying to find the door nob. The room is closing in and you need to get out. You need to get out now. "It was all perfect. You became the most submissive, obedient little wife. And when you acted out, all I had to do was throw a little slap here and there and you'd fall back in line." How could you not? Guilt was consuming you, all this time you'd believe you were responsible for the death of two of your closest friends, but now you don't even know what's real anymore.

"And then when you met Chan, you felt the courage to leave me, huh? I can't afford that, you're mine, you'll always be mine... But don't worry, I got it all figured out, baby. Nothing's gonna bring us apart now." When you reach the door nob and open the door, he lets you run out of the bathroom. It's all dark outside now, the night falling upon the small cabin and consuming it into darkness. You can't quite remember where the front door was, but it doesn't matter, you run through the halls anyway.

You can hear his steps, the cracking of the old wood as his boots hit the floor with every heavy step. You finally get to the door, opening it, only to be met with his friend, who very calmly stands in front of you, blocking your way. Then it turns into a dance of who moves faster. "You are not going anywhere, Y/n. Do you want him to die?" You forget about your urgency to run from the two men keeping captive here when you hear those words. "Stay away from him, Yunho! He has nothing to do with this!" You scream at him when you turn back and look at him.

"Oh, I will. But so will you." He nods to his friend and he picks you up from behind. "No! No! Let me go." You start thrashing and kicking him, but it's no use. Yunho opens the car door and his friend throws you on the back seat. You fall against it face first, and he grabs your hands, zipping them behind your back, but you don't stop fighting, taking advantage of your position, and kicking him again. Yunho hops in the front and ignites the engine. "Stop it and listen," he says looking back at you. His friend closes the door and walks away from the two of you.

"When you sent me to jail, I only came up with more juicy moves to play. So listen carefully, you bitch." He fits his whole body in between the front seats and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at him. "The whole JYP building is littered with bombs that will detonate each hour. Park is gonna send us a big big amount of money and we are going to catch a flight and never come back. Is that clear?" You can only stare at him in disbelief, you don't know when he lost his mind this way, or if this whole time he was just pretending to be sane.

"You wanted me to stay away from Chan, didn't you? I've saved the best part for the end." He laughs to himself, and brings his face closer to yours, stealing a kiss. You hate to cry in front of this lunatic right now, but you feel so disgusted and betrayed, you can't help it. "He is locked in one of the studio rooms, where the most powerful bomb is gonna blow his brains out in a few hours." You shake your head, trying to get your face away from him, but he only stabs his fingers harder against your cheeks.

"If you don't want that to happen, you're gonna act like the little good wife you are at the airport and board that plane with me. Is that clear?" You nod rapidly, desperate to get him to stop this horrible scheme. "See? It's so easy to get you back in line." He smiles from eye to eye, satisfied with your answer. He turns back again and grabs a little cloth from the front seat and comes back again to bandage your eyes. In seconds, your vision is completely dark, and he starts driving the car.

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