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During the last weeks, your life had been considerably busy. Following the schedule of an artist -let alone eight- was as tiring for them as for the rest of their team backstage. Between interviews, shootings, promotions, and appearances in talk shows, there was barely any time to think.

While most people hate their jobs, and long for the time they can go back to the comfort of their house, your job had became your safe place. The rest of the staff was incredibly friendly, and the boys were so much fun to be around, so when the time came for you to go home, your mood dropped instantly.

The mere thought of facing the person who had shattered your heart in a million pieces and whom you were bound to, made your anxiety levels sky-high. After realizing there was nothing you could've done about your current position in the company, you went back home that day and explained everything once again to Yunho, only to earn a long trail of insults and a harsh slap across the face, which forced you to use a mask and be extremely careful with your makeup every day for the following week.

And on those days when your mind was your worst enemy, pushing you towards a depressive episode, your job had been your savior. You were very familiar now with every detail about their faces, Hyunjin's plump lips, which you worked on enhancing, as well as Minho's big expressive eyes. Felix's freckles, which you loved to decorate with little sparkles, and Jeongin's foxy eyes, were very fun to use as a canvas for all your ideas.

You always had to take extra time to work on Changbin and Jisung's makeup looks, they were either goofing around, joking, or falling asleep on the chair. Seungmin found it very funny and amusing when he used his charm to make you uncomfortable when you were doing his makeup and touch-ups. And Chan liked to be left for last, making sure everyone else was ready and looking good before letting anyone take care of his looks.

You hadn't dared save his number on your phone for obvious reasons, but you still had the small piece of paper in your bag. The conversations with him were very short, he was always busy, running around from one side to another or staying up till the very early hours of the morning locked up in his studio. Fortunately for you, he only worked with Yunho every other day, making things a little easier.

"You've been getting better at making me and the kids look amazing," he says as he comes closer to the chair you had instructed him to sit on, gathering your supplies and setting everything up. "Thanks, I guess" You smiled softly, every time you worked on him, your face flushed red, enhanced by your pale skin.

Detailing every feature of his face had your mind spiraling towards grounds you shouldn't. But you simply could not help it, his plump lips were your favorite, and thankfully all of it was sneaked under your position as his makeup artist.

"How come you and him never go back home together? I wouldn't let you go back home alone" He asks you curiously, "Our schedules are different, that's all", you said blending the foundation on his face, "Besides, you shouldn't worry about me", turning back to the table to grab a little sponge.

"Why not? I'm your fake husband, remember?" He says and lets out the cutest giggle, making you smile with the memories of the night you met him, "That really hurt my feelings, you know?" His playful mood is fun to watch, "Oh, shut up", you punch him softly on the arm.

"Heeyy, you broke my arm, I'm not gonna be able to perform now", he says as he dramatically takes his hand to his upper arm, faking the pain, and you let out a sincere laugh, losing up and giving into his charm. You continue your work around his face with a playful smile, "You have a beautiful smile", Chan tells you in a softer voice, looking straight into your eyes.

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