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You would have thought leaving an abusive household would have been easy, but the truth is it's easier said than done. Spending the night at the dorms with Chris was challenging enough, coming up with the excuse that someone had tried to rob you the other night was convincing enough for the other guys to believe you and for their manager to accept such a thing. You have had to beg Chirs not to mention any of it to anyone inside the company or the rest of the group, considering he was still working with them.

When your phone started ringing furiously on the kitchen counter the next morning, you had only had to shoot Chris a panicked look and it had been enough for him to guess who was calling you so insistingly. "You should turn it off", he said taking it and placing it softly on the palm of your hand. You stared at the screen for a few moments, hoping for the call to go to voicemail automatically, and then turned off your phone for the rest of the day.

Your manager had heard the news of the "attempted robbery" and had given you a couple of days off to recover. But staying at their apartment alone the whole day, lets your mind wander to weird places, despite all the pain your husband has caused you, you can't help but find yourself trapped in a turbulent storm of conflicting emotions, where your heart and mind fight to understand why you miss him, you feel strange here as if you belong under his wing, you crave his approval, his attention, his control and you find yourself looking at your phone hoping he calls again.

But as soon as that happens it falls off your hands and the panic grows again, what if he knows where you are? What if he is waiting for you outside and just wants to lore you out and take you back to your shared house? Your mind starts spiraling, he hasn't stopped calling since yesterday night when he realized it was past 2 in the morning and you weren't coming home, his anger only grew as he came looking for you the next day in the building only to find your locker empty, and one of your coworkers explained you were out on medical license.

He had even gone to Chris's studio and asked if he had seen you today, to which Chris snorted a "You should know where your wife is" to him, not even bothering to look at him and only igniting his flame further and driving him crazy with each passing minute. You had pushed through your Stockholm Syndrome and avoided calling or texting him during the day, so as you tried to cook something for the guys, you start relaxing into the easiness that settles in your bones. Chris had been kind enough to buy you a couple of shirts, sweatpants, and other supplies, while he could make time to go by your house and get your things when Yunho wasn't around.

Your face was healing as well, you still had a couple of purple marks on your arms and hips, but the swelling on your eye was considerably low, though still dark purple. It was almost 9 pm, so you hoped Changbin, Han, Hyunjin, and Chris would come through the door any minute now, you had turned on the speaker and were humming one of your favorite songs, grabbing the bag of noodles and putting them on the boiling water in front of you to cook the pasta.

You turned to grab a cup to add a little more water when the door opened, but as the music was playing, you couldn't hear it, so when you turned to face the entrance of the kitchen, the glass you were holding slipped from your hands and shattered against the tiled floor. "Shit, I'm sorry", you took your eyes off Chris and dropped to your knees, to try and repair the damage done.

You hear as he drops his bag to the floor and takes three long steps to get to you, you don't notice until now, tears are running down your face. "I... I didn't mean to, I'm gonna pay for it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." You keep bubbling, he grabs both of your hands and turns them down, letting the pieces of glass fall to the floor. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm not mad." You don't dare look at him, too embarrassed and scared of what you'll find and drowning in your sorrow.

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