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~~~~~~ means time skip btw


~this story will contain gore, sensitive content, non-friendly wording, PG-13 scenes, possible triggers and more

~I may have different types of humor, thoughts, opinions and more on a situation or character than you so do NOT come at me as multiple people have different opinions and perspectives. I am not saying this to go against you and I respect your opinions but it isn't right to judge somebody else's.

~if you do send hate or be rude to another person or me I will delete your comment and go with that or report you depending on the seriousness of your comment.

~please respect each other's opinions and thoughts.

~be nice.

~please comment any ideas you have for the story and do not hesitate to share your opinions with me, I will take them into consideration if possible.

~have a nice read and enjoy the story.

~if I have made any mistakes please do not hesitate to tell me because sometimes I make mistakes in my writing and will fully own up to my mistakes.

~I will warn you ahead of time if there are possible triggers in a chapter or a sensitive subject/topic if serious enough.

POV:third person

The bright lights of red and green flash through the battlefield as the greatest wizard in the world stands across from the one who is called 'the boy who lived' the younger boy holding a long wand that has a red line pouring out of it. The elder man having a green light pouring out of it, both lights coming in contact with each other as their pushed back.

They both struggle to hold their stances before the younger boy stumbles slightly, the red light getting closer to him as he tries to defect it off of him.

The wand falls out of the younger ones hand as he falls to the ground. The light in his bright green eyes coming to a dull dark green light as his world fades to black, hearing cheers, yelling, and cries in the background fading into just a mumble before disappearing completely.

The wind rushes against his face as he tries to open his eyes but fails. Trying another time he does but to find himself traveling in a type of galaxy space. He winces at the bright lights as his body feels heavy.

The wind slowly dies down as his eyes close once again, murmuring in the distance, starting to get louder and louder gradually.

He feels a small nudge at his side. Slowly opening his eyes he sees a small boy with fluffy brown hair and reddish eyes, smiling towards him softly.

Daily Harry Potter meme I found on Pinterest

Daily Harry Potter meme I found on Pinterest

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(Harry's name is Ezekiel Behman riddle!!)

~466 words~

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