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Third POV:

The birds chirp early in the morning as the sunlight decorates and dances against the rooms.

A child in the bed of his siblings slowly opens his bright green eyes. Noticing his brother had already gotten up, he sits up himself.

As he starts to change reluctantly, in the corner of his eye he sees familiar brown hair. Turning around he smiles "Brother," the boy standing at the doorway says happily before getting closer to his younger brother. "Do you need help with your shirt?" He asks noticing the mixed buttons on the younger's shirt.

"Ah, yes please," The youngest says quietly. As the elder buttons his brother's white shirt correctly he notices that his brother is in a sort of daze.

After buttoning his shirt he looks at him worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asks making the younger snap out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I am okay, It's just it seems like a good day to go on a walk, would you like to go with me?" He observed. As he stared out the window, the trees and flowers outside with the gentle sunlight shining on them look even more majestic.

Harry POV:

"Sure, but later. You still need to eat." He reply before readjusting my collar which was a bit crooked.

He grabs my hand and begins to drag me to the kitchen. Upon arriving at the kitchen I noticed that we had yet to see anyone at the moment. "Tom-" I start to speak before he goes to a stop, making me bump into his back. "What was-"

I look up to see an elder man with white hair and a white robe. Recognizing him as Dumbledore I began to hide behind Tom's back even more.

In my past life, before reincarnating I had realized that Albussy was never a good person as he raised me intentionally in an abusive household to get me ready for war at an age I shouldn't have, as well as leaving me to fight off the dark lord himself and endangering multiple children and kids throughout my hogwart years as well as theirs.

One of the other things I found out about this life was a major contrast between my past life and this life, they had numerous years of peace without a dark lord. I'm kind of excited to see the gazes on their face when there is another dark lord that will appear. Also one of the reasons I don't make him a better person.

I keep quiet as I clench my elder brother's shirt. Not liking the silence at the moment. Looking up to see Tom scowling at the elder man in front of us, I tug on his shirt to divert his attention a bit and remind him that I'm here because he could hurt me if he lashes out.

"...yes?" He turns to me as I do so.

"Who is that man?" I ask trying to drag the most naive look I could conjure out of the depths of my soul.

Luckily it worked because he looked back and forth between me and Dumbledick numerous times before entirely obscuring my body behind his back, whispering slightly "I'm not sure..."

"I apologize for startling you children however I have come to give you some exhilarating news, primarily to your elder brother though little one." His
voice radiating false grace and composure.

Through his eyes, I can tell that he is slightly panicked with both of us, most plausible due to a prophecy.

Motioning us to a table with three seats we all sit down at our respective seats, mine next to Tom and Dumblewhores in front of our seats. "First off I should start by saying that you both are wizards," he claims.

"What? Wizards? What nonsense are you spewing?" Tom asks in a dangerously threatening way.

"Brother, wizards are real?" I ask looking up at him to divert his threat away from Dumblefuck as we have to keep him from suspecting us.

"Why yes they are children, I have come to personally give your brother his letter to a wizarding school called Hogwarts, I am the headmaster of that wizarding school. It is known as one of the most important wizarding schools" he brags making me gag inside, as well as him treating me like I'm a 'delicate flower' I sigh internally as I look towards Tom.

"Why only me and why now?" he asks still glaring at him. Dumble... Running out of titles to call him, looks toward him before speaking.

"There is an age requirement for Hogwarts as most young ones cannot comprehend the magic and could cause incidents that need to be avoided," he states, clearly starting to get annoyed at his questions.

"Well my brother most certainly wouldn't let that happen, so possibly could he accompany Hogwarts with me?" He declares back starting to get agitated as well. 

"That would not be allowed." the headmaster speaks as his voice gets sterner and a bit louder.

"You're the headmaster so surely you would be able to make an exception," Tom says again. I sigh making them turn their attention to me.

"I will be fine here, and it doesn't exactly have to be the first year you start brother..." I say starting to get softer and softer as I realize their focus is on me.

"Then next year will he be able to accompany me?" Tom states almost instantly after I finish speaking making me sigh internally.

Dumblewhore sighing states, "Perhaps but it would be a bit easier if it was two years." looking at Tom.

Tom nods and takes hold of my hand. "That's exceptional I suppose... But I would like it if I get to stay with him even after I graduate." he declares before Dumblebitch nods.

"Now, I will be taking you to get your school supplies, this here is what you need and your letter." he calmly expresses as he hands Tom a thick piece of paper with neat, cursive writing on it.

"I'm taking my brother with me," he states as he stands up still holding my hand and taking me with him behind Dumbledore.

(Btw currently Tom is 11, and Ezekiel Is 7)
Harry's new name will be Ezekiel behman riddle!

~1042 words~

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