Goodbyes and injuries.

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I've decided for this to be just Harry's POV unless of someone's suggestion but mainly Harry's POV, I will inform you if it's not his POV. I am working on an MDZS story as well as more fan fiction stories. And I apologize if I am lacking in updating regularly but I will try to update two times a week from now on or more in a week! Now onto the story.

Harry's new name is Ezekiel behman riddle and his snake, I changed his color to be black instead of tan now and the snakes name is Ekeko, this will be a drarry story, and I also forgot to mention that both hermione and Harry are dark skinned in this, if you have any problems with that then I would like for you to quit reading this fanfic, I would also like to say that in the books J.K Rowling never expresses the actual skin color of most characters like if they are pale or not or there tone, like if their a darker tone or a lighter tone, like Voldemort, and it would make sense as they where both bullied in muggle schools. As well as this is merely just a fan fiction that can be changed or have made up things in it. Another thing is about his scar, he still has it but they dismissed it as a birth mark, but he doesn't have any link to being a horcrux anymore as he has already 'died'. And this is what they kind of look like

 And this is what they kind of look like

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(Found on Pinterest!)

⚠️ warning ⚠️
~contains child abuse
~starvation (I'm not sure what it's called)
~adults starving children
~and more
~if you are uncomfortable with that then please skip this chapter!

I wave my older brother off as he exits the orphanage to go to his first day at Hogwarts.

Checking to see that he has officially left I take a deep breath in as I stare at the doors I'm supposed to go back into. I decide to walk to the back and sneak into my window to the room, at least for now I'll eventually have to go out or more consequences will happen.

I climb up the wall to crawl through the window, grunting softly as I land on the ground. I sigh as I realize I'll be here for 2 more years, at least I will be able to see Tom on the holidays but still.

Laying on the bed and curling up with Ekeko wrapped around my neck.

I hear a distinct bell for lunch but decide to not go as they wouldn't give me food anyways, whenever tom leaves or I'm in trouble they never care for me or let me eat, the only time I have to leave the room is if I'm summoned, for 'playtime', an Important person is here if someone is a possible 'buyer' or if they are giving speeches.

But if I don't show up, skip, or ignore it then I will be hurt, or 'punished' as you will. Another reason they 'punish' me is when I sneak out. Resulting in worse punishment than necessary for a long period of time.

They only let me eat if absolutely necessary or if someone is here like an important guest, as they wouldn't want me to pass out in front of them.

A sigh leaves my mouth as the back of my hand covers my face. And rests atop my round glasses as I lay on the bed.

A knock resinates on the door as I sit up, hissing in a quite voice

Sssstay here Eko(nickname he calls him) I'll be back.

I stand up and bring my hand to the bed to allow ekeko to slither down it and onto the bed. As he does so I start to walk towards the door, looking back and seeing that he had already curled up on his pillow I open the door and step out, closing it behind me.

Looking forward I see one of the orphanage workers who had been tapping their foot against the floor, he grabs me by the ear before dragging me to the living room, I bite my lip to hide the sounds of pain that are threatening to come out of my throat.

"Took you damn long enough!" He shouts at me as he continues dragging me to an all familiar office. "He wanted to see you!" His ugly voice shouted as he pushed me forward.

I knock on the door, knowing better than to open it before doing so, I learned from the hard way.

Waiting for multiple moments before a voice resonates to my ears "come in!" The hoarse voice spoke loudly as I open the door, walking in. I stand for a moment before being motioned to sit down.

His black hair being a tangled mess as he blows the cigarette smoke into my face. Making me hold back a grossed look.

"Since your brother will be gone for quite a while, I wanted to tell you about how you'll be living with the time he isn't here" the scratchy voice continued as I looked at my lap for most of the time before hearing a loud slam on the desk making my eyes look up immediately. "Who told you, you could ignore my words hm?" He says in a sneering tone as he gets closer, lifting my chin up with his index finger I have trouble with not gagging as his yellow eyes glare at me, a hint of mischief in them.

"You will be working for me during the time he's gone, now you will get two meals a week and will do chores or 'home' tasks while the others will leave to take a couple of weeks off, possibly months so you better get to it" he speaks while pulling my hair slightly back, leaving a burning sensation on my scalp. Trying my hardest not to show shock or worry I nod slightly before he pushes me out of his office.

I sigh as I walk back to my room to pick up ekeko, I hear some workers whispering

"Such a useless child, the only reason he is treated this well is because of his brother, so pitiful."

"Why hasn't he died yet, surely his brother would have given up by now right?"

"Such a waste of money and space"

The comments continue as I grit my teeth in anger, my shoulders trembling slightly as tears threaten to fall out of my eyes, I open the door to my shared room and shut it behind me. My shirt slides up as I slide down the door. I hide my face into my knees as hot tears run down my face, a sob broke through my body as I dug my nails into the palms of my hands. 'Why must I put up with this pain, I just want it to stop, I want my brother.' I think as my body continues shaking, not able to stop the sobs and tears coming out of my body.

I feel a Distinct feeling of smooth Scales on my wrist as he moves up my arm, staying quiet.

He reaches up to my neck, resting his head on my neck and nuzzling into it I start to compose myself, I rest my head back against the door, my eyes closing from the mental exhaustion of the day as I fade into sleep.

~1238 words~

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