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I made some changes to the last chapter's schedules, they don't have a designated house they share with the class.

I look at the broom that enters my hand without me saying anything for it to do so.

While I watch the others struggle to get their brooms up, or some who have already done so I tap my foot impatiently.

Over the years in my past life I had figured out how to do wandless and wordless spells, curtsy to training with Dumbledore mercilessly to defeat the 'dark lord' he made.

"Alright, students! Mount your brooms and go hover above the ground!" She spoke sternly before everyone does so. I notice Seamus Finnigan slightly floating up. 'Oh? Did the roles switch?' I think to myself, slightly bringing him back down to where everyone else is with a small spell, not wanting anyone to get in trouble this time.

"Alright then, go ahead and fly around to test the skills you have!" She shouts to the class before everyone does so.

I bring myself high up in the air, feeling the wind on my face. 'I missed this' I think to myself with a small smile on my face, before hearing a sudden shout.

Looking down I notice someone shouting up at me, I look behind me abruptly noticing that there was a presence coming towards me.

I bite my lip to hide the wince in my voice as the broom collided with mine, noticing that Seamus had been going out of control.

I cast a small charm on the broom to make it ride smoothly instead of jerking and going out of control.

Bringing my broom down, I stumbled while getting off. Professor Hooch rushes towards me before grabbing onto the wrist that had gotten hurt during the collision, making me flinch and pull back, not wanting her to take me to Madam Pomfrey.

"You are injured. And you too Mr.Finnigan!" She says while gripping my wrist harder, she realizes her mistake and instantly let's go. "Sorry, Mr. Riddle" before making us follow her to the infirmary.

Once we get there I notice Madam Pomfrey coming towards me and pulling me to a bed, I notice madam hooch taking Seamus somewhere else as he didn't have any injuries.

She pulls my wrist forward and tutts while shaking her head, I sigh internally knowing that Tom will hear about this. She hands me a potion after a bit, making me drink it.

After doing so I cover my mouth while coughing slightly. She nods satisfied before talking "Stay here for a bit, I will contact the professors that you have class with next, may I ask what classes you have next?" She observes me before I shake my head.

"I can still go to the rest of my classes, please?" I ask while fiddling with a necklace on my neck, a friend had given me.

"No, you need rest!" She spoke sternly making me sigh.

"Fine, I only have a defense against the dark arts next with Professor Quirrell," I say while running my hand through my hair, she nods before exiting the room. 'I am hungry right now' I think while sighing once again. 'And we had just had lunch' I grumble once again in my head.

Laying back in the infirmary bed I rest my head against the pillow, feeling much more tired than I remember.

My surrounding environment goes dark as my sleep meets my brain.

Another chance. (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now