Work and pain

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
~contains child abuse
~bullying (bad)
~starvation (I'm not sure what it's called)
~adults starving children
~and more
~I promise the next chapter will be a bit more wholesome!
~if you are uncomfortable with that then please skip this chapter!
~sexual harassment

I walk along the rooms as I sweep up the dust and trash laying in the rooms, 'do they ever clean? I'm pretty sure the only time they do is when inspectors come...' "Hahhh" I sigh out loud.

As I continue to sweep Ekeko slithers down to my waist, wrapping around it softly. 'Masssster could I eat that child? He looksssss very appetizing' he speaks into my mind before I shake my head 'No, haven't you already gotten your fill?" I ask in my head as I continue sweeping.

I feel A hand on my shoulder making me tense a bit, turning around I suddenly feel a stabbing pain in my abdomen, I double over in pain before feeling a burning sensation on my scalp, seeing one of the 14-year-old orphans there I wince.

As my hair is being pulled up I get kicked in the knee making me fell to the ground with a grunt. 'Masssster, may I?' Eko asks in my head with a threatening tone before I voice back 'No' I reply before feeling a stinging sensation on my forearm making me yelp.

Looking over I see a lighter being lit to burn me as it has already done once. "No, no!" I cry out as it hits the same spot on my skin, I notice it's no use as I dig my nails into the skin of my palm.

Tears swell in the corners of my eyes as the stinging continues. "Ngh!" I grunt as he kicks me in the gut. 'Ekeko, are you okay?' I ask in my head, still wincing as the pain is still there and growing 'I'm fine massster, more importantly, are you okay?' he asks with a worrying tone as I nod my head slightly in response.

I let out a sigh of relief as the older boy pulls the fire away from my arm, a large patch of red skin left behind. Before I can be too grateful he pushes me against the wall, putting his mouth on my neck and biting, I yelp and squirm against his hold "No, no please!" I plead for him to stop but he doesn't as he continues, eventually stopping.

"Heh, your so helpless" he whispers into my ear. As he pushes me again, hitting my head against the wall. I slide down the wall as I watch him leave.

Sighing and wincing as I get back up to continue my cleaning duties

After I'm done I Sit in my bed, bandaging myself up from the bruises and the burn marks as well as bandaging my neck. I lay down on the rough bed and curl up, eventually falling asleep from Exhaustion.

Ekeko looks at me before slithering out of the window, a small flash of light surrounds him as he appears in a green and silver room.


"How issssss he, issssss everything okay?" the boy with brown hair spoke
In a bit of urgency before the snake replied on what has happened.

The boy with brown hair clenches his fists in anger as he spoke in a low voice "I knew I shouldn't have left him with those-" he gets cut off by Ekeko  "masssster missssssessssss you, he wishesssss he had come with you" Tom nods before sitting on his bed, thinking. "I'm going to apparate Ezekiel here. Stay here I'll be back," he spoke with haste before disappearing.

~614 words~

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