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(Pretend this was in the morning bc I completely forgot that this was supposed to be 'dinner' and got ahead of myself before realizing) and I changed my mind this will have Dumbledore bashing, my emotions are everywhere with this but I've already started and will make another one without Dumbledore bashing though. And another thing, I'm a lot of characters will be OOC because it's hard for me to capture someone's personality well even with reading their story and emotions towards something, sorry about that!

Once we reached out destination and entered the great hall we could see some people already there but it wasn't too crowded just yet, I pull his hand towards the slytherin table.

"Sit here" I say pointing to a seat next to the center of the table, it was slightly taller than the others but not that noticeable to most, he sat down at that seat before I sat down next to him.

Unlike usual I reach out to put some roast beef onto my plate to eat, their food here is actually really delicious, credits to the house elf's though. Their port roast here is actually extremely tender and juicy, I had only tried it when Tom gave me that huge plate of food earlier today.

I add some of the roast beef with some mashed potatoes, although it's not a lot it's still some.

I feel a hand ruffle my hair "Tooommm!-" I whine as he continues eating his own food, I take a small piece of meat, sneaking it under the table to feed to Eko, I feel the meat disappear from my hand as he finishes it.

I bring my hand back up and clean my hands with a napkin, I notice professor snape waking around, handing people their schedules.

Once he gave me my schedules and Toms new ones I look at what classes I'll be having,

Name: Izek Riddle, house: Slytherin, first year

For the week-

7:30-8:50 Am: breakfast
9:15-10:15 Am: potions (mon,wed,thur) transfiguration. (Tue,thur)
10:30-11:30: history of magic (Tue, thur) Herbology. (Mon,wed,fri)
11:45-12:45 pm: lunch
1:45-2:45: Flying (Mon-Wed) charms (Thur-Fri)
2:50-3:45: Break
3:50-4:50: DADA.
4:55-7:50: study hall
7:55-8:45: dinner
8:30-9:30: astronomy (every Wednesday)
8:50-9:55: Study hall
Bed at 10:00 sharp.

I feel Tom looking over my shoulder "looks like your in for some interesting classes" he chuckles as I fold the schedule neatly, putting it in a bag that shrinks and makes the stuff inside of it lighter.

"What do you have for first period?" I ask before he checks the schedule once again before saying.

"Transfiguration" he sighs as he gets up, looking at me once again. "When you have your breaks find me, I'll mostly be in the library" he says, "would you like me to take you to your first class, it can get pretty confusing with the halls and stuff."

"I'll be fine, and it'll help me make more acquaintances!" I speak in a low tone as he nods

"Alright, see you later" he exits the hall before I start to head to my first class, potions with Gryffindor... 'this is going to be funnn' I mock internally as I head towards the dungeons.

Once I made it there I went and sat down at an empty chair, although there where a lot. Not a lot of people are here yet, I did get here, like 17 minutes early?

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