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~contains rule-breaking
~possessive tom
~oblivious Izek
~and more

After a moment ekeko curls up in a small ball as he waists on the bed. Tom appears again but with Izek (abbreviation/nickname) in his arms and a small bag in his hand. Tom sets his limp body down on the bed once Eko moved out of the way. Tom sets the bag next to the bed as he lays next to his younger brother, holding him tightly as he falls asleep.


The next morning, I woke up in an unfamiliar place, feeling something wrapped around me I look up to see Tom's sleeping face "Mh, brother?" my words were a bit muffled as the majority of my face is in his chest.

He looks down at me, smiling slightly creepily. "Oh, brother~ come here," he spoke sternly, before pulling me up and making me stand, causing me to be slightly dizzy at the sudden position. He supports me in realizing my dizziness "When was the last time you ate?" he spoke in a dangerous tone.

"I'm not sure, why?" I ask back before recognizing my mistake.

"You idiot! Why didn't you tell me!" He shouted at me. Before I flinch lightly, not expecting the shout, he acknowledges his mistake before pulling me into a hug "Sorry," he uttered in a quiet voice.

"It's fine, but what am I doing here? I'm not allowed!" I huff as I run my hands through my hair before he continues to lift my shirt up, looking at the bandages wrapped around my waist. "Ah-" I try to explain or lie to him before he pulls my shirt off, noticing the burns and the bruises after he unwraps the bandages.

"Who?..." he spoke in a low voice, clenching his nails into the palms of his hands.

"I-I'm sorry what?" I ask in shock as he pulls on my arm.

"Who." He spoke again in a threatening tone.

"It doesn't matter, please don't hurt anyone, you'll get in trouble" I spoke with urgency as I rest my hand on his gently.

"Hah, fine." He mumbles before burying his head into my shoulder.

"Mh, don't you have to attend class?" I ask as he brings his head back.

"Yeah, I suppose. I'll be back, stay here and I'll also get you some food... and more bandages, You'll need it" he says before exciting the room.

After waiting for a moment he comes back in, holding multiple bags and bandages "brother?" I ask confused as to why he has so much stuff, I try to get up before he pushes me back down on the bed.

"Stay" he speaks before starting to wrap my injuries up with the bandages, after he's done he drops the multiple bags onto the bed, "that's food, eat." He spoke sternly before handing me a pack.

I sigh before starting to eat the chips in the bag, he nods with satisfaction before speaking "I'm leaving for class," he pauses before looking at Eko "watch over him!" He speaks sternly as he exits the room.

I lay on the bed as I continue eating the chips, I wonder if I could cook some food somewhere, like muggle food or sweets such as cookies or something like that, it would be nice. Especially to give to Tom as a gift.

I sit up after finishing the chip and put the empty bag into the compost, standing up I look at Ekeko "do you think you could go and get some books for me to read in the meantime?" I ask him before he nods.

He apparates away for a moment before returning with a few stack of books, 5-6 books in each pile.

I nod approvingly as I check to see one of the titles most insisting on dark arts, a couple of potions, some in Parseltongue and more with different types of dark magic 'Ekeko, where did you get thessssse?' I ask questionably as I stare at him 'the forbidden library masssster' he replied making me sigh but shake it off, I put the stacks of books next to Tom bed as I start reading on about Parseltongue spells, seemingly very dark spell as well.

This continues and after reading multiple books i here a knock at the door, I look through the see hole(thing?) and see Tom at the door, I open it and look at him confused "you could have opened it you know?" I speak in a small voice as I pull him inside, closing the door behind him.

He observed the room before his gaze lands on the stack of books I have already read, on the bed. "What did you do?" He asks accusingly as he crosses his arms.

"I didn't do anything! I sent Ekeko to get me some books from the library and he got these..." I trail off at the end making him raise a bow.

"There is more to it isn't there?" He asks with a sigh, resting his head onto his palm.

"Haha, he got some from the restricted area?" I say with more of a questioning tone in my sentence, I hear him sigh before looking at the pile once again.

"My brother is really smart if he's able to read these more advanced books, especially within the time you had." He spoke with approval in his voice as he looked at the subjects they were in "I didn't know it would be that easy to get these types of books..." he pauses before laughing "what types of idiots would keep this type of content in a school full of children, much less with that shitty of a security system.

I shrug my shoulders as a sign I don't know as he lays in the bed with me, he plays with my medium lengthed hair.

~981 words~

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