More info about the characters

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This will just be some info I need to tell you about characters and whatnot-


Dumbledore- manipulative, ambition, careless and more. (He was almost sorted into slytherin like Harry) he worry's about the potential the boys have especially with a prophecy indicating both of the boys. (He isn't as smart as he thinks he is)

Minerva- actually really good in this, caring, doesn't approve of dumbledores ways, and is leaning towards the dark side because of him. She likes Izek and Tom but something also tells her to worry about Izek, she can see the potential they have but also not which type.

Snape- no longer obsessed with Lily as she is still alive, he focuses on his teaching more as he cares about it, is way more nicer to the students, isn't a fan of the 'new' Harry (since Ezekiel went back in time and some events changed there is still 'Harry potter' it's just not him and he is lilys and James son, the 'new' Harry Potter is way more petty and spoiled than our Harry.) he leans more towards the dark side. He knows that one of the two riddle brothers will become the dark lord and the other will be very powerful but he isn't sure on which one with be. He definitely treats them nicer, not wanting to get on there bad side in the future.

Professor sprout- she can get made at dumbledore sometimes and definitely dislikes him a bit, but she still stays in the light side and is mostly the same, she enjoys having Izek in her class as he is very quick witted and he is kind to most of the classes, and she enjoys Tom's company she definitely thinks they have potential.

Flitwick- he definitely is neutral, he doesn't approve of dumbledore in the slightest but also doesn't approve of the dark arts. He finds Izek interesting as well as Tom, he notices the duo and how they attract a lot of attention. He definitely thinks they have potential but he doesn't know what kind.

Filch- doesn't care and just goes about his business, he is a bit better in this, he's more carefree and way more hygienic, he definitely is better than the original, making the students like him a bit more(he's more understanding) , he thinks that Tom and Izek are the typical students but also finds him wanting to make Allies with them, fearing that in the future they will be something big.

Lockhart- He is still a dunderhead, he is a bit more stupid you could say and he quits after around a month!

Madam pomfrey- she is still one of the most liked teachers in school, she is like a therapist and a nurse(?) and likes to talk with students while getting them healed. She is very thoughtful and doesn't like dumbledore for his antics, she leans towards the dark side.
She finds that Tom is very ambitious and cunning, just like a slytherin she enjoys spending time with him as she gets to hear all of the gossip and what not, she also enjoys caring for Izek, she does worry about him as his scars and bruises are bad and she seems him frequently, but overall she likes his bright personality.

Quirrell- he ofc leans towards the dark side, doesn't have a stutter, as 'Voldemort' doesn't exist at the moment, and he is one of the best DADA teachers the school has seen, he think what dumbledore does is interesting, he finds Tom having great potential in being the next dark lord and finds Izek very entertaining as well.

Slughorn- he will not be a teacher but he does help filch with mandatory work for the school. (Doesn't see the riddle duo often)

Trelawney- she worry's for the two boys as there future will
Be dark but successful, she is a bit calmer and her hair isn't as wild, she loves to teach the students and she leans toward the dark side as she doesn't enjoy how dumbledore treats the kids.

Moody- he isn't in this book (first book, technically or first year, he's also not a professor)

Sinistra- not sure

Hooch- she finds they both have a natural talent at flying and finds them very interesting, she enjoys her job and whatnot, she leans towards the dark side.

Prince- likes that they both enjoy books and takes care of hers, she's neutral with the light and dark side.

Hagrid- dunderhead, he is fully on the light side, being the most loyal to dumbledore and approves of everything he does, suspicious of the riddle duo and enjoys spending time with Harry Potter, he wasn't expelled because Tom wasn't there at the time, he still is the ground keeper.


Most of the school likes the riddle duo as they are able to get along with them easily and share their interests, most girls fangirl over them. They feel a natural draw to them as if they are their leaders and most want to get a good impression with them, although there are people that don't and stay away or people who try to make enemies out of them (doesn't go well for the ones making enemies)

Some main characters-

Hermione- she is very clever and the definition of Ravenclaw, she definitely knows better than to make enemies out of them and hangs out with them a lot, although she is muggleborn they don't seem to mind, the riddle duo is a bit disturbed they are muggleborn but put it aside as she is not like most and goes toward the dark arts side.

Ron- kind of like a double spy, he pretends to hang out with Harry Potter and the ones who disapprove of the riddle duo but actually is under the riddles side, he informs them about what the ones going against them are doing and whatnot. Ron is a lot more ambitious, but was put under Gryffindor, making his job a lot easier as most of the people against them are in Gryffindor. Also his family is really wealthy in this, not as wealthy as the malfoys or whatever but definitely has some money.

Neville- isn't that nervous or antsy as the books and movies, he is a lot more confident since he is under the riddle duo and has there protection against harm, he definitely has a liking to them and enjoys their praise. He was sorted into hufflepuff but that makes the riddles have even more ally's from all sides.

Lovegood- (one of my fav characters) she is almost the same as the originals but instead is more chaotic going towards the books, she thinks that it's best to get under the riddles as she doesn't really enjoy dumbledore and his anticts.

Weasley twins- they love that the riddles give them more entertaining ways to play pranks and is under their side openly, they also enjoy that the riddles cover there back and love after everyone on their side.

Ginny- when she comes to school, she of course goes under the light side but later on decides to switch and go under the riddles(dark side) she also kind of acts like a double spy, she does enjoy doing it with her less obnoxious brother and bonds with him over it. 

Cedric- he definitely enjoys spending time with Izek, he is under there side and happily offers help and assistance to them with anything they need, he rivals Draco over Izek most of the time as they both like him. (Gayyyyyy) and Tom catches on pretty quickly.

Draco- very quickly joined the riddles as he realized they would be great Allie's in the future and that they would help him if he was, he realizes later that he likes Izek, but Izek being dense doesn't realize it. He is a lot less stuck up and is more gracious I suppose.

Pansy- she is under the riddle fan club (to all included) and was extremely quick to join under them, she gets along with everyone and kind of brings everyone a bit more together, making a better environment(or harmonizing environment).

Blaize- he is neutral and is definitely under the riddles as he finds them being loyal and kind to whoever is under their side, he also thinks that they are good for Allie's and helping them get away with stuff, or backing them up.

(Tell me if you want to n ow any more opinions a character has!)

I will be doing the adults in a different chapter once we start to go there, the next chapter will definitely have a big time skip, to when Izek is 11 and supposed to go to Hogwarts (or supposed to start) a little info in that is that when the two years where up and dumbledore went to get him he had told Tom that Izek couldn't attend classes until he was 11 and Tom was okay with that, Tom appararated Tom back and the dumbledore got him then the rest proceeded to unfold (this was during the time skip)

This was 1511 words 😭

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