School shopping!

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Harry POV

I stumble onto the cold ground after what seemed like an eternity in an extremely tight space.

Dumbledore had apparently 'apparated' with me and Tom to diagon alley, although I had apparated in the past I still haven't gotten used to the tightness on my body as I do so.

I feel a hand tug at my arm, looking up to see a worried Tom and a pitying Dumbledore, I sigh as I get up, dusting my clothes off.

Dumbledore takes Tom around the shops as I follow behind. Occasionally looking near Knockturn Alley. We eventually move on to the pet shopping, looking around I see a small store with a small snake sign on it, indicating it sells snakes.

Looking at the headmaster and my brother, making sure they were distracted before speed-walking to the snake shop. In my past life, I had wished to get a familiar however I did no such thing and as I am parsltongue a snake would be the best option. Especially since I enjoy being around reptiles, or well any animal but mainly reptiles.

I notice that the store owner wasn't there or the receptionist so I go ahead and head to the back, where the snakes were.

At first, I notice the rows and rows of glass tanks, looking closer I notice that each one has a particular type of snake with a logo on each one.

As I walk down each column looking at each snake I stop in front of a tank with the tag 'black mamba, 2 years old. 10.16 cm' I silently stare at the beautiful murky black color of the scales (black mamba: the picture above:) I stare at the snake with admiration before the snake hisses

Sssssstaring issssss rude you know

It hisses before I reply

Ah, sssssorry I didn't mean to disssturb you, I was merely looking for a ssssnake assss a familiar

The room seemed to get louder as multiple snakes started to speak

The boy can speak to usssssss!

He could be the heir!

He's worthy...

And a hiss from the one I spoke to first

I hadn't noticed that you sssspoke our language... I am willing to grant you my loyalty...

It spoke as I reached my hand into the glass tank, the small 4-inch snake wrapping around my wrist, A dark emerald green color flashing brightly before dimming down.

The snake a now 25.4 cm (10 inches) he whispers to me 'massster I will grow based on your sssstrength as of now and your overall health, intelligence, and more. I will be able to sssstick with you from now on. My loyalty will ssssstay with you forever master.' I nod in agreement before walking out of the room. As there was no one there I naturally left without paying.

The snake that had now wrapped itself around my waist, had stayed there in my warmth.

I go back to the shop Tom and Dumbledore were in earlier to only find an anxious Tom and a useless Dumbledore trying to calm him.

"Brother?" I ask in a quiet voice only to be found in an organ-crushing hug, I push him back slightly almost immediately remembering the snake on my waist. "Sorry," I speak while staring at the shocked face of Tom, the reptilian of mine moving up and slightly picking his head out of my shirt, only for me and Tom to see.

Tom nods in awareness as the snake goes back to its position. As I was starting to calm down, Tom half shouted "Why would you leave without telling someone?! What if you got hurt or lost!" He exclaims while examining my body to see any scratches or injuries on myself.

"Sorry..." I speak in a low voice as he scolds me.

After shopping we head back to the orphanage where we watch Dumbledore as he leaves.

After an exhausting day, I decide to lie in bed falling asleep, not noticing my familiar sliding to Tom and speaking to each other.

When I leave, remember to report to me what hassss happened during that time, undersssstood?


Harry's Name

Ezekiel Behman Riddle

~700 words~

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