New life

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POV: harry

I look towards the boy with red eyes, I unconsciously reach my arm towards him. I look at my arms realizing that I have a much smaller hand than I remembered, looking down at my body I see a baby body, inside a small crib.

Not only that, but I feel a hand on my arm before looking up and seeing the same boy with red eyes looking at me with curious eyes. "So small..." the boy speaks with gleaming eyes as he smiles more widely. The boy reaches out toward me before a voice calls.

"Tom! Leave the boy alone, he needs sleep!" an elder woman with dark dirty brown hair shouts as she marches towards him and grabs his wrist, making him wince slightly. "Go bother the other kids!" she continues while pushing him away from me.

What was his name again? I think, Tom? And where even am I?? I think while wiggling in the crib, I was placed in.

The older woman comes closer to my crib before she picks me up and cradles me in her arms, "hah, you seem much less of a nuisance than the others, you hardly even cry. Better for us, I guess." she says under her breath as I look past her shoulder. Seeing the small boy again, staring at me from afar. "The boy you saw earlier was your elder brother, not like you'll remember," she spoke again after looking at my supposed brother.

She carries me over to a playpen with a few other babies in it, "Go and play. I don't have time to watch over you all." her voice is harsh and scratchy. While she leaves, I lay there, not able to walk.

While staring at the ceiling a shadow overcasts me, I look to the side to see my brother 'tom' he smiles noticing that I noticed him. He picks me up and rocks me in his arms, lulling me to sleep.

~~~~~Two years later~~~~~~

Today marks the second year I have reincarnated. I have learned many things in these past years, such as, my elder brother is the one and only tom riddle or Voldemort in my past life. I have made a goal to get him on a better side. Although I know I cannot get him away from the dark side, I will try to make him not, murder as many people. Hopefully...

This year he is six, as I know, in five years going to Hogwarts. I have also found out that I still am in the present time, instead of going back to his time I turned back time to when I was born, taking him with me.

I have 'learned' to speak and walk by this point in time, as I am two years old. At the moment, I am with tom in the playroom at the orphanage.

"Brother..." I say, dishearten at the mess on his paper, looking up at him to see a confused look on his face.

"Uhm, I was trying to draw a... just forget about it." he says while sighing, making me 'giggle'  slightly.

I continue to color the coloring sheet I found in silence before a small bell rings. Tom stands up before picking me up and carrying me to the long dinner tables, setting me down in his lap he looks at the food before starting to feed me.


After dinner it was time for us to go to bed so we naturally did.


I'm running out of ideas so I'm going to move to when Tom gets sent his hogwarts letter, in the next chapter. As well, Harry's new name will be Ezekiel behman riddle!

~625 words~

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