Narnia Crisis

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Peter POV's

Aku sedang diruang tahta setelah percakapan antara King Coulpy dan kami tadi.

" My King, the councils sent a letter requesting to meet you and the High Queen.. " Ucap Lord Bash sambil memberikan ku surat tapi aku menolaknya.

" Not now " Ujar ku singkat sambil bersandar. Lord Bash membungkuk kepadaku.

" Please called Lady Bess here " Ucapku kepada Bash.

Bash membungkuk kepadaku lalu pergi untuk memanggil Lady Bess.

Tak lama dia datang bersama Bess dibelakangnya.

" Your Majesty.. " Ucap Lady Bess sambil membungkuk kepadaku.

" How is it? The High Queen? " Tanyaku sambil melihat nya.

" Her Majesty cannot be disturbed for now by anyone, My King.. " Jawab nya sambil berdiri.

" Is she cry? " Tanyaku memastikan.

" I am not convinced[yakin], My King.. Her Majesty looks quiet composed[cukup tenang], at least until Her Majesty chamber is vacated[dikosongkan] " Jelas nya.

" Vacated? " Tanyaku bingung.

" Her Majesty ordered us out of her chamber " Jawab nya.

Sheeka mulai memendam semua perasaan nya terhadap dirinya sendiri. Aku melihat Lady Bess yang menunduk.

" The High Queen knows that we often exchange messages, isn't she? " Tanyaku sambil melihat nya.

" Yes, My Lord.. " Jawab nya

" Is she scold[memarahi] you? " Ujar ku sambil berdiri dan melihatnya.

" Quiet the opposite[Justru sebaliknya], My King.. Her Majesty asked me not to betray her trust. Even Her Majesty allow me to love you. Yet, on one condition " Jawab nya.

Aku melihat nya menunggu jawaban.

" And what is it? " Tanyaku

" Do not betray you, My King... " Jawab nya singkat.

Aku terdiam mendengarnya. How can she can still think about me, while i keep hurting her feeling

" Due to Her Majesty's generosity, innocence and nobility of her soul. I will cease[berhenti] to love you, Your Majesty. I realise, the High Queen in all her humility does not deserve to be betrayed " lanjutnya panjang.

" Believe it or not, the High Queen will not agree with your choice... " Jawabku sambil melihat nya.

Dia hanya menunduk.

" At least accompany[temani] me until the High Queen gets better? " Tanya ku sambil melihatnya.

Lady Bess melihat ku " That's an order.. " Lanjut ku. Dia membungkuk kepadaku.

" I'll see the High Queen " Ujar ku sambil berjalan.

" Her Majesty can't be disturbed, Sire.. even with you " Ucap Bess kepadaku.

" I am her High King " Ujarku singkat.


Sheeka POV's

Aku melihat seisi ruanganku yang sudah berantakan atas apa yang baru kulakukan.

Tuk... Tuk... Tuk...

" I told you i can't be disturbed now " Ujar ku sambil melihat pintu.

" it's me Peter! " Ujar Peter dari luar sana.

Narnia: Kingdom Of Narnia Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang