-Cair Paravel, Eastern Mountain-
Aku sudah duduk diruang tahta sekarang. Ada Henry dan para dayangku. Henry terus melihat kearah ku dengan tatapan sedih.
" Stop looking at me that way. I'm fine " Ucapku sambil tertawa.
" Your masks[topeng] is too thick[tebal], My Queen.. " Ujar Henry.
Aku mengangkat alisku dan tersenyum.
" Your Grace... Lord Bash.. " - soldier
Lord Bash berjalan kearah kami lalu membungkuk kepadaku.
" Your Grace... " - Lord Bash
" My Lord.. " Jawab ku sambil tersenyum.
" The latest judgement from the councils on the King's marriage. As well as[serta] a discussion of your relationship with the High King " Ujarnya sambil melihat Henry dan beralih melihat ku.
Aku mengangguk mempersilahkan nya untuk membaca.
" Because the High King has claimed you as his wife before, which is basically illegitimate[tidak sah]. " Lanjut nya sambil membuka kertas.
" The councils gives you the option to break off the engagement[pertunangan] between you and High King Peter. Or continuing your relationship as an illegitimate[tidak sah] wife for the High King " Jelasnya sambil membaca dengan was-was.
Henry dan para dayang ku melihat kearah ku terkejut, begitupun aku. Para dewan benar-benar membenci ku seutuhnya.
Aku terdiam dan berfikir.
" The High King hopes that you will not break off the engagement, Your Grace " Lanjut nya sambil melihat ku.
" Why is that so? " Tanya ku
" Because no matter what, you are the High Queen. The High King still wants to help and protect you, Madame.. " Jawab nya yakin.
Aku tersenyum sambil menatapnya.
" Where is the High King now? " Tanya ku.
" Still in meetings with the councils, Madame " Jawabnya.
" Please convey to His Majesty, he has helped me more than enough and He doesn't have to help me anymore. " Ucapku sambil tersenyum.
Semua melihat kearah ku.
" You're going to break the engagement? " Ujar Henry kepadaku.
" Indeed i am, My Lord... " Jawab ku.
Lord Bash melihat ku panik dan maju selangkah kearahku.
" But, when you broke off your engagement with High King Peter, suitors[para pelamar] will come to you, My Queen " Ujar nya mengasihani ku.
" I realised that, My Lord.. Let it be my problem, i will deal with them " Jawabku yakin
Lord Henry, Lord Bash dan para dayang melihat kearahku lalu berdiri menghadap pintu.
Aku berdiri dan sedikit membungkuk kepada Peter.
" My Queen... " Ucap Peter sambil menggenggam tangan ku.
Aku tersenyum dan mengangguk lalu duduk kembali. Peter melihat kearah ku lalu aku menatap nya balik dan tersenyum.
" I am happy for you, truely. " Ucapku sambil tersenyum.
" Please leave us " perintah Peter kepada semua nya termasuk Lady Bess.
Narnia: Kingdom Of Narnia
Fantasia[Indo-Eng] [Series 7] [Fanfiction] Karena apa yang hampir terjadi dengan High Queen Sheeka membuat para dewan kerajaan mendesak para Raja dan Ratu untuk menyegerakan memiliki ahli waris tahta bagi setiap Cair Paravel. Dendam King Lian I of Platica...