A Prediction

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-Cair Paravel, Eastern Mountain-

Aku sudah duduk diruang tahta sekarang. Ada Henry dan para dayangku. Henry terus melihat kearah ku dengan tatapan sedih.

" Stop looking at me that way. I'm fine " Ucapku sambil tertawa.

" Your masks[topeng] is too thick[tebal], My Queen.. " Ujar Henry.

Aku mengangkat alisku dan tersenyum.

" Your Grace... Lord Bash.. " - soldier

Lord Bash berjalan kearah kami lalu membungkuk kepadaku.

" Your Grace... " - Lord Bash

" My Lord.. " Jawab ku sambil tersenyum.

" The latest judgement from the councils on the King's marriage. As well as[serta] a discussion of your relationship with the High King " Ujarnya sambil melihat Henry dan beralih melihat ku.

Aku mengangguk mempersilahkan nya untuk membaca.

" Because the High King has claimed you as his wife before, which is basically illegitimate[tidak sah]. " Lanjut nya sambil membuka kertas.

" The councils gives you the option to break off the engagement[pertunangan] between you and High King Peter. Or continuing your relationship as an illegitimate[tidak sah] wife for the High King " Jelasnya sambil membaca dengan was-was.

Henry dan para dayang ku melihat kearah ku terkejut, begitupun aku. Para dewan benar-benar membenci ku seutuhnya.

Aku terdiam dan berfikir.

" The High King hopes that you will not break off the engagement, Your Grace " Lanjut nya sambil melihat ku.

" Why is that so? " Tanya ku

" Because no matter what, you are the High Queen. The High King still wants to help and protect you, Madame.. " Jawab nya yakin.

Aku tersenyum sambil menatapnya.

" Where is the High King now? " Tanya ku.

" Still in meetings with the councils, Madame " Jawabnya.

" Please convey to His Majesty, he has helped me more than enough and He doesn't have to help me anymore. " Ucapku sambil tersenyum.

Semua melihat kearah ku.

" You're going to break the engagement? " Ujar Henry kepadaku.

" Indeed i am, My Lord... " Jawab ku.

Lord Bash melihat ku panik dan maju selangkah kearahku.

" But, when you broke off your engagement with High King Peter, suitors[para pelamar] will come to you, My Queen " Ujar nya mengasihani ku.

" I realised that, My Lord.. Let it be my problem, i will deal with them " Jawabku yakin


Lord Henry, Lord Bash dan para dayang melihat kearahku lalu berdiri menghadap pintu.

Aku berdiri dan sedikit membungkuk kepada Peter.

" My Queen... " Ucap Peter sambil menggenggam tangan ku.

Aku tersenyum dan mengangguk lalu duduk kembali. Peter melihat kearah ku lalu aku menatap nya balik dan tersenyum.

" I am happy for you, truely. " Ucapku sambil tersenyum.

" Please leave us " perintah Peter kepada semua nya termasuk Lady Bess.

Narnia: Kingdom Of Narnia Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang