Chapter Two

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Grey was up an hour before everyone else on the morning of his first day. He hoped to keep up the illusion that his room was just a broom closet to the first years for as long as possible.

The common room was bright and still, despite the continuing rainfall outside. Checking his bag, he settled himself on one of the cushioned window seats and grabbed his potions textbook. Grey knew this year would be the toughest yet, especially with the upcoming OWLs. Dwelling too much on it would only make it harder though. Grey knew that.

So, he waited patiently for the time to come to go down to breakfast. Over the hour, students began to emerge, starting with an anxious gaggle of first years, too nervous to pay him any mind. After them, came a gentle mix of other Ravenclaws, some dragging their feet, some bright-eyed, clutching piles of books all talking or checking notes.

Grey watched them all, pretending to read his potions textbook. When some of them began to exit, he took it as his cue to head down to breakfast. His steps were lost in the sound of many others but he kept his head down.

Once in the hall, he took his usual seat at the end of the Ravenclaw table, pouring a bowl of Cherri-Owls and waiting for the arrival of his friend.

A smile broke across his face when Richard seated himself opposite him. His friend looked tired but cheerful as he grabbed a few slices of toast. They ate in silence for a minute as the post arrived and timetables were passed around. When they received theirs, both boys laid them on the table and leaned over to compare.

"We still have almost everything together, although you have Arithmancy while I have ancient runes," Grey observed, marking the class with a black cross. This was the symbol they used when they had to undertake something without the other.

Richard nodded sullenly, marking his own timetable.

"Where'd you go yesterday?" The Slytherin boy asked casually, not looking up from his timetable.

Grey paused in surprise at the sudden question.

"Oh, just the hospital wing - I had another headache."

Richard's eyes darted upwards to meet his and the corner of his mouth quirked upwards.

"Good!" He exclaimed a little too loudly.

A few sixth years shot them an odd look. Richard grimaced but lowered his voice.

"Did it help?"

"Sort of, honestly it was weird, Sullivan -"

But Grey was cut short by someone tapping on his shoulder. Turning, it took him a moment to recognize the culprit until he realized it was the Hufflepuff boy from the previous evening.

"May I sit with you?"

Grey blinked in surprise and Richard almost choked on his pumpkin juice. No one ever paid the two any mind. After he'd gotten over his initial shock, Grey quickly moved his bag off the seat next to him, shoving it beneath the table. The Hufflepuff sat down and Grey actually had a chance to observe him in the daylight.

He was about the same height as Grey, but much more stocky. His pale face was covered in freckles and he had a shock of unruly ginger hair that almost obscured his brown eyes. Peaking out of his robes was a small string with what looked like an acorn attached to it. Richard raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry if it's a bit forward," He began in a rushed ramble, "But I recognized you from last night, and well, you were really nice and I don't have any friends -"

It was Grey's turn to almost choke on his drink.

"And I saw you sitting here and well, I thought instead of sitting alone, I could actually try and make a friend for once so I came over and now I'm here."

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