Chapter Three

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TW - Self-harm and bullying.


Aside from a hefty amount of homework, the first week of term passed uneventfully for Grey. He spent his nights flying around the castle and the rest of his spare time with Richard and Derric. The Hufflepuff seemed to be with them always, not that Grey minded. He was a delightful presence and it was clear Richard liked him too.

However, the weekend found Grey severed from them as he was sent back to the hospital wing with another migraine. Nurse Sullivan met him with a look of tense understanding which Grey barely registered through the pain.

Sat on a bed, he gulped down the elixir given to him and sighed. Once again, it only dulled the pain. From beside him, he could feel Sullivan piercing gaze.

"Still in pain?" He inquired.

Grey took notice of the clipboard in his hand as he nodded. Sullivan made a note.

"Any strange dreams lately?"

Grey frowned.

"No, sir."


"No, sir," He repeated as Sullivan scribbled something down. "I never remember my dreams."

The nurse raised his eyebrows and made a noise that Grey couldn't decipher.


Grey gritted his teeth.

"Never, sir."

He could feel irritation creeping in his chest as Sullivan made another note. What was the relevance of all this anyway?

"Any more strange coincidences or deja vu?" Sullivan pressed further.

"No. What is this all about?"

His question was ignored. Grey swallowed the urge to snap at the nurse. Despite his confusion, he tried to remind himself that the man was probably only trying to help. So instead, he picked at the scabs in his hands.

"If you have any dreams you remember, please write them down."

Grey couldn't hold back his scoff.

"Why, sir?"

Sullivan surveyed him sharply.

"I'm sure you'll be starting dreams in divination soon," He replied coldly.

It took everything for Grey not to roll his eyes at the cryptic answer. He knew there was something else going on but it was clear they weren't going to tell him. Grey wondered if Sullivan's notes would be taken to Professor Dumbledore. The teacher had been showing an extra interest in him so far this term, always picking on him in class and enquiring about his health if they passed in the corridors. Grey wasn't used to such positive attention. He was sure there was some motive behind it. No one aside from his two friends ever showed him attention without reason.

Nails embedded in palms once again, he left the hospital wing wearing a scowl. He didn't feel like studying so he chose to wander aimlessly about the castle, glaring at anyone who looked at him oddly. If it wasn't broad daylight, he'd have gone for a fly but he didn't want to risk it.

Rounding a corner on the fifth floor, Grey stopped dead in his tracks. Ahead, talking about something in Malfoy's hand was the hated trio. Hastily, he swiveled round, hoping they had not noticed him but the exclamation of 'freak' and the sound of approaching footsteps told him otherwise.

Malfoy barreled in front of him, effectively blocking his escape.

"Hello freak, no need to rush away just yet," He cackled. His two friends stood imposingly around him.

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