Chapter Eight

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The joy didn't last very long. Soon, the Christmas holidays began, severing Grey from his two best friends for a dreaded fortnight. So few students actually remained at Hogwarts that holiday. The looming threat of Grindelwald had parents desperately recalling their children home more than ever. Grey was the only Ravenclaw staying over Christmas and aside from him, the only other remaining were a pair of Hufflepuffs and one sullen Slytherin seventh year. 

Meal time had become a very awkward affair. The four house tables had been removed in favor of one single table that both staff and students occupied. Conversation was always somewhat strained and Grey in particular hated the whole thing. He dreaded breakfast, lunch, and dinner more than he dreaded the return of Malfoy. 

To make matters worse, the 23rd of December was his birthday. Though it wasn't his real one, it was the day randomly assigned to him by the matron so thus throughout his childhood, it had been treated as such. Naturally, Grey hated the day. To him, it was a reminder of his abandonment as an infant and he never received any presents. The orphanage may have acknowledged the day when he was younger but they never had the funding to give out gifts. 

On the morning of his 16th, Grey sulked down to breakfast, dressed in an old jumper Richard had given him. Most of his clothes were either stolen or Richards hand me downs. He was the last to arrive and very reluctantly took the free seat next to Dumbledore. 

He returned forced good mornings with his professors then stared grimly into his bowl of cereal, wishing he could drown in the milk. His misery was shortly interrupted by the arrival of the post. Grey recognized Richard's barn owl, Luna, as she dropped a small parcel into his lap followed by a single envelope from an unknown tawny owl. Presuming the latter was the usual card from the matron, he opened the package from Richard first. 

Inside he found a beautiful copy of Frankenstein, a muggle novel he'd been hoping to read, and a small note reading 'Happy Birthday' in Richard's neat handwriting. He hid the note inside the cover of the book before placing it beside him on the table. 

Professor Merrythought, who sat across from him, glanced at the book. 

"What have you got there Mr Willow?" The Defense against the dark arts professor asked curiously. 

"It's a muggle novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly." He answered politely. 

She grimaced. "I've not heard of it, though I've never cared for muggle literature."

Grey glanced into his bowl.

"A shame, I love muggle books. Frankenstein is particularly good." Dumbledore piped up over his tea. "Happy Birthday by the way Grey." He said smiling warmly. 

Grey turned scarlet as everyone at the table, including the headmaster, wished him a happy birthday. Muttering a hasty word of thanks, Grey tried to distract himself by opening the second envelope, internally cursing Dumbledore. 

It was not as he thought, a simple well-wishes for the day. Instead, a confused Grey found a very official-looking letter from the head matron. It read:

'Dear Miss Willow,

I am writing to inform you that since you are now sixteen, we can no longer offer you care and residence at Willow's Orphanage for Wizarding Youth. It is down to you to find your new place of residence. Until such an address is found, your belongings are due to be sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on the 1st of January. Thank you for understanding.

Well, wishes,

Matron Abigail Nott'

Grey stared at the letter, shock, and horror gripping his system. His free hand clenched, nails embedded in his palm. He barely knew how to process what he was reading. Where would he go during the summer? He had no money, no relations. All his school supplies were bought out of a small charity fund provided by the school. How was he supposed to live by himself? He had nothing. 

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