Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning at breakfast, there seemed to be a great deal of unrest among the students. Thoroughly confused, Grey slouched over his cereal, trying unsuccessfully to eavesdrop on nearby students. He was so focused, that he jumped in surprise when Richard sat down next to him, accidentally sloshing the contents of his bowl all down his robes. He grumbled a greeting as he endeavored to clean his jumper.  

Drawing his wand, Richard muttered 'scourgify' instantly solving his predicament. 

"Have you heard the news?" His friend muttered, buttering himself some toast. 

"Not yet," Mumbled Grey, eyeing a group of loud-talking Gryffindors. 

 But there was too much background noise to hear what they were saying. 

"The Daily Prophet says Grindelwald is in England, there was an attack in a muggle town, Carlisle. They think he's moving north." Richard's tone was dark and filled with foreboding. 

"Shit." Whispered Grey. 

They could assume what he was doing and the possibilities filled him with dread. 

"He wouldn't come to Hogwarts though," He tried to reassure himself. 

"It's certainly well protected, but he's powerful," Richard mused.

Grey pushed away his cornflakes, suddenly not hungry anymore. He was hardly shocked that Grindelwald had found him so quickly, considering families like the Malfoys, who had children at Hogwarts, showed him allegiance. There was a chance the dark wizard wasn't here for him or that the rumors were false, but Grey wasn't particularly hopeful.

"What do you want to do today?" Grey asked, changing the subject. 

"The library will be packed until this evening so there's no point trying to study until after five. The weather's decent for April, so I could finally show you how to fly?" Richard suggested.

The Ravenclaw scoffed, "I know how to fly."

"Sorry, let me rephrase, I could show you how to fly well."

If only he knew, Grey thought. But they had been talking about flying together with Derric so obviously, he wasn't going to decline. 

Once they'd finished their breakfast, Richard hurried off to retrieve his broom and the two wandered down to the deserted Quidditch pitch. It really was a glorious day. The sun was shining and it was almost warm. Birdsong filled the air and the grass was no longer dewy thanks to the warmer sun. 

Arriving at the pitch, Richard was quick to mount his broom and do a lap of the goals. An idea struck Grey seeing his friend so distracted. He glanced around and when he was certain the coast was clear, transformed into his raven form. 

There was something truly magical about flying up to his friend and watching the confusion as a peculiarly marked raven soared alongside him. Richard did a couple of sudden turns to see if he was actually being mirrored by a bird. Grey made sure to copy his movements nearly perfectly. He heard Richard mutter to himself before glancing to where he'd left Grey. Even more perplexion muddled his features seeing the Ravenclaw's disappearance. Grey could have laughed if it were possible. 

Richard descended back to the pitch, peering in every direction. Following, Grey made sure to remain flapping above his head. 

"Grey? Where are you?" Richard called, glancing disdainfully at the bird above him.

"GREY?! Grey? Seriously what is your deal?" He flapped his arms in animagus Grey's direction. 

Unable to contain himself any longer, Grey changed back, holding his stomach with laughter. Richard practically jumped out of his skin. 

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