Chapter Twenty-Three

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TW- Death 


The red flash half-blinded Grey for a moment. But as chaos erupted in the pub, he could see Newt slumped unconscious in his seat. Adrenaline fired in his system and in a split second, Grey swung around to face Grindelwald and the cloak bearer. The dark wizard's wand was aloft and a terrifying look of loathing twisted his features. Behind him, the older man was frozen in terror. Over the shouting and sound of hurried feet, Grey desperately locked eyes with the man.

"Go!" He yelled as loudly as he could, ignoring how Grindelwald immediately moved in his direction, "Dissaparate, flee, he's going to kill you for the cloak."

To his relief, the frightened man instantly vanished with a crack. Grey turned to Newt, drawing his wand. What was the reviving spell? He could hardly think straight. 

His wand flew from his hand. Grindelwald pocketed it. The look of fury on his face was terrifying. Grey tried to swiftly scramble out of his reach but the dark wizard snatched at him with snake-like reflexes, seizing the front of his shirt. He yanked Grey to his feet. 

"You will regret this," Came the low hiss from his lips as Grey felt them disapparate. 

They landed in the courtyard, and the boy twisted himself from Grindelwald's hold. Grey glared at him, hating every aspect of his supposed father. 

"You failed," He sneered, "That man escaped to who knows where and now you'll never get your precious Hallow."

As he yelled, a few of Grindelwald's followers slithered from the castle like vultures. Grey had no idea what galvanised him to taunt Grindelwald so, perhaps it was the weeks of pent-up rage. Yet, Grindelwald merely steeled his features. 

"Rosier," He stated calmly, "Go to Fesselstadt and collect the unconscious Scamanded and his case."

Rosier nodded and apparated. 

"Abernathy, fetch Richard from the cells, bring him here."

Every ounce of courage faded from Grey's body, replaced with cold regret. It bled to his face and shook his hands. 

"I am so disappointed in you, Grey," Grindelwald sighed, pulling Grey's wand from his pocket, "I hoped you had learnt, but clearly you have too much of Dumbledore in you."

"I am nothing like him," Grey seethed suddenly. 

Grindelwald smirked. 

He held Grey's wand before him the snapped it in two. 

"You think you know what's best," Lamented Grindelwald, dropping the pieces.

As he paced, Grey stared horrified at the remains of his wand. 

"Dumbledore does too. But all that ever led him towards was pain and grief."

At his words, there was a loud crack and Rosier reappeared, dragging an unconscious Newt by his coat. She placed the case beside him, bound his hands with chains she conjured from her wand then strolled back to Grindelwald. The dark wizard's smile widened. Raining his own wand, he pointed it at Newt. For a terrifying moment, Grey thought he was going to kill him but instead, he cast 'enervate' and Newt lurched to life. 

"Grey!" He exclaimed as his eyes whipped frantically around the courtyard. 

At that moment, the reptile man emerged, pulling Richard beside him. Grey's heart lept seeing him for the first time in days, but it quickly sunk as he took in Richard's features. The Slytherin's neck was extensively bruised as was the corner of his mouth. He looked like he hadn't eaten or slept for several days and he walked limply beside the reptile man. 

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