Chapter Eleven

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TW - Self-harm and bullying. 


Everywhere he went, Grey was met with glares and whispers. It seemed that most of the school shared the suspicions of Prendergast. Though these reactions angered him, he still felt that lead-like feeling of guilt as deep down he knew they were right. 

He wished he had never become a seer. He wished he had died instead of Derric. 

But that could be dealt with later, for now, he had to find Richard. Grey didn't imagine that his friend would stay in the Slytherin common room or dorms, because of the attitude his housemates had toward him. Ever since he could remember, Richard had spent as little time as possible with his fellow Slytherins. 

So that left the library, the room of requirements, or the grounds. Given the current snowstorm, he doubted very much that Richard was outside so he decided to check the library first. 

Heading upstairs, he was greeted by a sad smile from Madame Lovegood, who had been present at the earlier meeting. He did not return it. Striding hastily between the shelves, Grey's heart gave a leap as he spotted Richard in their usual booth. 

Richard was slumped in his chair, eyes fixed unmoving on the open book in front of him. He showed no signs of reading it though, as silent tears rolled down his face. 

The lump in Grey's throat swelled painfully. 

"Richard?" He whispered, voice cracking slightly.

The Slytherin's face snapped toward him with a mixture of sadness and anger. Without a word, Richard rose and stormed past him toward the exit.

Grey stood, too stunned to process what had just happened. It took him several seconds to snap out of it before he forced himself to rush after his friend. Emerging into the corridor, Grey spotted the rapidly retreating form of Richard. 

"Richard!" He called again, hurrying to catch up. 

But he was ignored.

Panic was firing in his systems now. He sped forward, overtaking his friend and blocking his way. 

Richard's face was contorted in apparent fury. 


But he was cut off.

"Get out of the way and leave me the fuck alone." Richard hissed, shoving past him. 

The words felt like knives in his chest.

Watching his friend leave, Grey crumpled to the ground. He drew his knees to his chest as quiet sobs wracked through him. 

Richard couldn't believe everyone else could he? But then again, if Grey blamed himself, how could he be surprised if Richard did too? 

The full weight of everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours seemed to crash down on Grey all at once. And all he could do was cry. Head buried in his knees, he cried until his eyes stung and his nose was blocked for what felt like hours. 

Until he was discovered. 

Sneering laughter pulled him from his grief as he found Malfoy and a random Slytherin girl staring down at him. How Malfoy constantly found him at his worst, Grey couldn't fathom. But he was in no mood to be civil today. 

With a cold glare, Grey wiped his eyes and nose and got to his feet. 

"Having a little cry Willow?" Malfoy jeered as the girl giggled obnoxiously. 

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