Chapter Eighteen

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TW - Abuse and self-harm


The first day at Numengard passed so slowly. In the evening, Grey and Richard ventured beyond their little rooms to explore the castle. Most doors they came across were locked, however, they did discover a small library. 

Windowless and cold, they had to illuminate the room with their wands and candles but the four walls were lined, floor to ceiling, with laden bookshelves. A ladder attached to a rail curved around the whole room and there was a dusty table, round and solitary in the centre. They borrowed two chairs from the main sitting room and inspected the many shelves. The majority of the volumes were written in foreign languages but they did find several that they could read. 

At dinner time, it was just them and Queenie present and Grey found the whole affair much less daunting. Though he harboured a deep mistrust for the witch, it was very easy to keep his mind more clear while she chattered about such mundane things. Her bubbly nature was a flicker of harmless normality. Together they discussed food, books, America, Hogwarts, and more. Grey, as usual, was subdued in his responses but towards the end of the meal he did loosen up a bit as the topic drifted to Quidditch and Richard became more animated. 

Their first night in Numengard was lonely. Parting ways at around ten, Grey buried himself in his bed. A chilly draft was seeping from the window and he could hear the howl of what he hoped was just the wind. The noise was consuming the castle, preventing him from hearing the soothing sounds of occupation that he was so used to. Grey missed the warmth and comfort of Twyla by his side. He hated not being able to know if she was ok. 

He hated so much of this.

However, he didn't dwell on it long. Exhausted from his previous sleepless night and the stresses of the day, Grey fell quickly into a troubled sleep. Dreams of thestrals and the flash of green light clung to him all night.


Morning broke with booming thunder and heavy sheets of sleet. Still not feeling rested, Grey rose, washed and dressed in the clothes he had been provided. They were comfortable, if a little big but he made sure to clean his own clothes with magic and hang them carefully in the wardrobe. 

He waited till Richard had also risen and silently trudged downstairs. Much to Grey's relief, Grindelwald was not present at breakfast, and neither was Rosier or Aurelias. As he solemnly ate his cereal, the wizard - Abernathy - surveyed them with almost wild eyes. 

"You will be with me this morning." He claimed. 

His voice was peculiar and matched his crazed features. He sounded snakelike, with a nasal, raspy tone that slid out of him with unregulated pitch. An unpleasant feeling settled in Grey's stomach as he watched him speak. He was sure he had seen an elongated, forked tongue behind the wizard's yellow teeth. 

"What will we be learning?" Richard inquired confidently. 

Abernathy's eyes swivelled to Richard and Grey suppressed a shiver at the sharpness of the motion. 

"Mr Grindelwald has asked me to introduce the two of you to the unforgivable curses." He hissed. 

The prospect made Grey even more uncomfortable. 

"Delightful." He mumbled into his coffee, ignoring the cold look he received. 

When they'd finished, everyone dispersed, leaving the three the largest room to use as a classroom. Abernathy smirked to himself as he paced in front of the youths. Glancing to his side, Grey noticed that Richard was keeping up his confident facade with his arms lightly crossed. He looked at ease in his white shirt, taught over his crossed biceps. Grey immediately looked away, trying to ignore the heat that rose to his face at the involuntary thought. 

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