Heroes Born Pt. 2

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"Very tight!"

MK, Mei, Tang, and Pigsy were all crammed inside Pigsy's food truck as they recklessly sped down the road; meanwhile, Y/N hung on from the roof for dear life.

"Pigsy, watch where you're going! You're gonna kill us!" Tang exclaimed in pure terror

"Yeah, we gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smushed in a car crash. All we need to do is drive through an entire ocean. Simple." MK said confidently, oblivious, as he held up a handmade drawing of Flower Fruit Mountian before slowly rolling down the window and poking his head out toward Y/N

"You doing alright up there, Y/N!"

"Fucking Peachy!" Y/N yelled back, trying to sound sarcastic despite the intense adrenaline rush, "Oh, absolutely fantastic! Just hanging around, no big deal!" He finished, nearly slipping off in the process as he scowled at MK

"Oh...Ok!" MK said innocently before pulling his head back inside and rolling up the window as Y/N's swearing spree muffled into the air.

"Guys! Demon Bull King has moved onto downtown. He's destroying the cheese tea stalls!"

"All the more reason to get this staff back to Monkey King. Flower Fruit Mountain. It's the only place he could be. Right, Mr. Tang?

"Indeed. However, Flower Fruit Mountain is hidden away, deep in dangerous and unknown territory..." Tang said, his ominous tone trailing off as a burning seriousness etched onto his face, and MK watched on, his eyes sparkling with every word. "...So I guess we better turn back!" He finishes tugging on his collar, laughing anxiously.

"WHAT!!" MK, Mei, and Y/N yelled, the latter of which slammed his face through the side window, glaring at Tang. "I have not been hanging onto this fucking deathtrap for god knows how long, just to turn back!" He yelled, angrily throwing his arms up before quickly climbing back onto the roof so as not to fly off.

"Oh, shut it, you big babies. I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous, deadly, raged-filled warrior I've ever known. "Pigsy growled out, smiling as he sped off toward the docks.


Y/N and the others found themselves gathered inside Sandy's cozy living room aboard his houseboat. Pigsy had taken the initiative to brief Sandy on everything that was happening, leaving everyone else in the room trembling with fear as the imposing figure of the giant, blue-skinned water demon turned toward them, his gaze reflecting the profound contemplation of all they had revealed.

"That's a lot to take in. You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace?" Sandy asked, towering over all of them on the couch...before pulling out a tray of tea seemingly out of thin air, and a cat slid down his shoulder. "Serve them tea! You guys want some? You? How about that guy over there? Huh? Huh?" Sandy zipped around the room, offering everyone their own cup.

"Oh, yes! Don't mind if I do." Tang said cheerfully, raising his hand before he and Mei leaned closer to Pigsy's ear, smirking, "Certain noodle shop owners could learn a lot from your hospitality, Sandy."

"Oh, you're right, piggy; this guy is dangerous. He'll kill us with cuteness!" Mei happily teased, placing a cat on top of Pigsy's head.

"Wow! This is actually pretty good! Usually, I think tea tastes like pigeon sweat." Y/N said in between sips and petting a cat that happened to crawl onto his lap. "Thanks! It's my own blend of anti-stress fruits. It really brings the heart rate down." Sandy said, smiling proudly and happily before finally, Pigsy snapped.

"Sandy! What happened to you? Where's the angry, glass-chewing, fist-throwing buddy I used to know?" He yelled, scaring away a few of the cats on the couch as he climbed up to Sandy's face before he immediately got set back down, and Sandy patted his head.

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