The Impossible Delivery

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(A/N): Before anyone asks me about The Great Wall Race episode, I only have 1 thing to say...FUCK THAT EPISODE AND WRITING IT!

Clears throat

(A/N): With that out of the way, though, enjoy the chapter.

MK roars as he charges at Monkey King and swings at him with his staff. He smiles and yawns before vanishing as MK misses completely. In an instant, Monkey King reappears, rocketing down toward MK from above and sending a powerful kick that he just narrowly manages to block. The impact creates a shockwave that shatters the ground beneath MK's feet, their combined strength holding them in place as they both smirk.

"Hey!" Monkey King looks up, and his eyes shoot wide, seeing Y/N flying right towards them, his eyes flashing a brief crimson red. "Don't forget about me!" Monkey King's smirk widens as he sees Y/N hurtling toward them. His eyes flash brilliant gold, and with a flick of his foot, he parries MK's blocking stance, sending him skidding back before leaning back just enough as Y/N flies completely over his head, crashing into a nearby mountain.

"Ya know, that might've actually worked if you didn't scream so loud, Y/N," Monkey King chuckled. He stood up straight again before instantly leaning back, raising his foot just before MK's staff made contact with a powerful swing, blocking the blow. The force of the impact reverberated through the air, causing nearby trees to sway and debris to scatter. Monkey King's eyes gleamed with amusement as he effortlessly dodged the attack, his movements fluid and graceful, even suddenly managing to pull out a book and sip on some tea nonchalantly. MK roared in frustration as Monkey King continued to evade his attacks effortlessly. "Stay still, will ya?!" he yelled, swinging his staff with renewed vigor. But Monkey King merely yawned again, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

With a sudden swift motion, Monkey King wraps his tail around MK's foot and lifts him off the ground as he screams, and with the flick of his tail, Monkey King launches him, crashing down back toward Flower Fruit and slamming by the Monkey King's house. Monkey King sighed and yawned, stretching his arms above his head lazily, ready to head back down until suddenly, a violent rumble emerged from the rubble where Y/N had crashed.

"Well, guess I'm not done yet after all." Monkey King smirked as a golden beam of light exploded from the rubble, sending chunks of rock flying in all directions as Y/N emerged, bruised but not beaten, and his eyes flashed crimson red as he glared with a twisted smile stretched across his face.

"Yeah...and neither am I!!" In an instant, Y/N blasts toward Monkey King with blistering speed, closing the instance between them in the blink of an eye, his fist aiming directly for Monkey King's face. Monkey King's eyes widen for a split second before quickly softening slightly as he narrowly manages to sidestep the attacks, letting Y/N's momentum carry him right past, but Y/N was ready this time, twisting himself in midair and planting his feet firmly on the ground, using the force to pivot around, sending his leg gliding towards Monkey King who effortlessly manages to jump over it as he smiles.

"Sorry, bud..." Monkey King trails off, holding out his hand as MK's staff materializes in a flash of light before aiming right for Y/N's chest. "Gonna have to borrow this back for a sec." He finishes, and in that moment, as Y/N met Monkey King's eyes, he could only utter one thing."

"Ah, Crap Baskets."

Monkey King laughs as the staff swiftly expands and completely engulfs Y/N, tearing through the air with a deafening boom as it drives straight into his chest, sending him barreling down to the ground and crashing right beside MK with a thunderous impact, leaving a small crater now beneath him while Monkey King effortlessly lands on the ground, twirling the staff before planting it firmly at his side. He gazes down at the two bruised and battered boys before smiling proudly as he rushes his way over to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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