The Calabash

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The ethereal voice echoed through the void, dancing on the edges of Y/N's consciousness. As if emerging from a deep slumber, Y/N stirred in the infinite darkness. The disembodied voice persisted, coldly and ominously.


The sound wrapped around Y/N's mind like an icy ribbon, pulling him further from the comforting embrace of sleep.

"I know you can hear me..."



Y/N's eyes shot open with a sudden jolt, yet the world around him seemed unchanged. There were no familiar bedroom walls, no sunlight streaming through curtains, only an endless expanse of nothingness stretching into eternity. Panic clawed at the edges of his consciousness as Y/N attempted to make sense of his surroundings.

"Where...where the hell am I?" Y/N mumbled, his voice swallowed by the void. He looked around, trying to find any reference point, but there was none. It was as if he was suspended in an eternal abyss. The air, if it could be called that, felt heavy with unspoken tension, and a subtle chill crept through Y/N's every fiber. As he cautiously took a step forward, a dim light flickered in the distance, beckoning him like a distant star in the cosmic void.

With each step, the darkness seemed to thicken, swallowing the sound of Y/N's movements until his own heartbeat echoed louder than his footsteps. The light ahead grew more distinct, revealing an intricate pattern of shadows that danced and twisted like serpentine whispers.

"Hello, is anybody out there?!" Y/N called out, his voice echoing into the emptiness of the void, bouncing off the unseen walls that refused to offer any reply. A shiver ran down his spine as a chilling realization set in. He was utterly alone in this boundless void.

"Hello, Y/N," the voice returned, a whisper coming from within rather than from the vastness outside. It resonated in the recesses of his mind, weaving through his thoughts like a haunting melody. Y/N's gaze darted around, searching for the source, but there was nothing to see.

"Uhh...hey there, random disembodied voice," Y/N said hesitantly, waving a hand to seemingly no one.

"How can I help you?" The voice said, carrying an unsettling weight, each word echoing in the void.

"Help me? Um... well, I'm not sure where I am exactly. I just sort of woke up here and..."

"You have a problem."

"Hey, don't fucking play psychoanalyst with me assho-" Y/N tried to finish, but the voice quickly cut him off, sending a powerful gust of wind wrapping around Y/N as he spoke, "You need to be strong to protect your friends." The wind intensified, swirling around Y/N, causing his surroundings to distort and warp as if the very fabric of reality responded to the mysterious voice. Y/N squinted against the force, feeling a strange energy pulsating through him, a strange...fury.


"If you do not remain strong, you will lose your friends. They will abandon you as if you were nothing." Y/N's eyes widened with disbelief, and he slowly clenched his fists as the anger he felt inside built closer toward the surface.

"That's bullshit, my friends would never do that. Now enough with the cryptic talk, who the hell are you?"

"Just another friend."

"...Can I even trust you?"

"Of course, I will help you like no one else possibly could."

"Ok...what's the catch?"

The Saviour From Heaven ( Lego Monkie Kid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now