Coming Home

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"Mwahahahahahaha! Button mash all you want, MK. You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power!" Mei boasts, effortlessly beating MK in a round of Monkey Mech while he fights for his life, with Y/N and Sandy standing behind them watching.

"Up smash, up smash!"

"Do a barrel roll!"

"I'm trying, guys! Okay! I'm trying, I'm trying!"

Y/N chuckled as he watched Mei absolutely destroy MK on screen. Her character pulling off a final finishing move, launching a powerful spin attack to finally end the round.

"Mwahaha! No one can defeat me!" She yelled victoriously, posing ever so humbly in the process before her phone began to ring. Mei reaches into her pocket and pulls it out only to instantly sigh seeing her mother calling her, she moves to the side and answers, leaving a petty MK all alone to get a free win.

"Hi, Mom...Yes, of course. N-No, I...yes, mother." Mei sighs as she hangs up the phone, her normal energetic and bubbly attitude completely drained, which Y/N instantly notices, resting a gentle and concerned hand on her shoulder. "Everything ok, Mei?" Y/N asks, and Mei smiles and nods softly. "Yeah. It's just..." She hesitates for a moment, grabbing her arm anxiously before the sound of victory music blared out, followed by a hearty laugh from MK as he finally won a game, and all it took was Mei not even playing.

"That win is bullshit, and you know it, MK." Y/N fired, MK instantly hung his head in defeat before Mei began again, "My parents...they want me to house sit" She finished, scratching the back of her head, her eyes darting away from them.

"And that's a bad thing?" Sandy asked

"No." She began, chuckling nervously, "Uh...Me and my parents...We-" Mei tries to finish but is quickly cut off by MK popping in between them all.

"Uh, did Mei just say sleepover at her house!?"

"What!? No! My parents wouldn't want-"

"She didn't even say anything close to th-"

"Sleepover!" MK cut them both off once again, rubbing his hands together creepily in the process, his eyes practically spinning with lunacy. "I've always wanted to see inside Mei's Secret Dragon House, full of secret dragon stuff." MK rambled, Mei the entire time looking more and more agitated as he went on, grabbing her arm once again, roughing up the side of her jacket. Y/N instantly but gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder, comforting her before MK rushed back over, splitting them apart.

"Come on! Please, please, please, please!?" MK begs, giving her puppy eyes, and Mei finally gives in, sighing in defeat. "Sleepover it is."

"Aw yeah! This is gonna be the best sleepover ever!" MK cheered as Mei still looked upset. Y/N, who seemingly could tell there was something more plaguing her mind, nudges her arm softly, shifting her gaze as she meets his eyes and flashing her the softest of smiles, which she slowly returns. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to any of them, in a ramen shop across the street, a single Bull Bot listens in, pulling up files upon files of holographic for Mei and her family before finally landing on one of a mysterious emerald sword.

Y/N, Mei, Sandy, and MK stand in front of the main entrance to the Dragon family estate, an enormous gate adorned with intricate emerald dragon carvings and surrounded by lush gardens featuring marble statues. The estate itself is a grand structure, a seamless blend of traditional and modern architecture, with roofs that curve gracefully and walls that seamlessly incorporate advanced technology, highlighted by emerald and marble accents. The air is filled with a mix of floral scents, complemented by the distant sounds of nature, creating an ambiance of opulence and natural beauty.

The Saviour From Heaven ( Lego Monkie Kid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now