Bad Weather

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"And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remain about the two overpowered young men who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on..."

As the news reporter's voice gradually receded from the television mounted on Sandy's boat, Sandy whistled to himself as he expertly operated his crane, efficiently transferring cargo onto the ship. Meanwhile, down on the deck, MK animatingly twirled around his staff over dramatically retelling his and Y/N's epic battle with DBK to an enthralled Mei, while nearby, Y/N serenely meditated, his newfound tail flowing freely in the breeze.

"And then, I was like, 'Stop there, Demon Bull King!' then Y/N was all like, 'We've come for you!' and DBK's all like, 'You two can't stop me! I'm craAAAAAAAAaaaazYYyyy!' And then Y/N and I grabbed our staffs, and whoosh, we made a giant mech and golden ape!" He finishes, accidentally going a bit too far as he pokes a hole in the boat, causing a leak

"Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK."

"Oh, jeez!"

"MK, stop breaking shit!" Y/N yelled, finally opening his eyes and wrapping his tail around his waist as he got to his feet before turning his head, feeling the energy of a very angry Pigsy.

"Y/N, MK! I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop. And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!" Pigsy yelled angrily as he loomed over Tang eating his noodles, a dark and menacing aura swirling all around him, to which Tang smiled lazily.

"Oh, Piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone."

"Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody." MK chimed in cheerfully

"Plus, we deserve it for saving the entire city," Y/N added

"LOOK OUT!" Sandy yells, everyone's eyes instantly dart up to see a crate dangling right above them as the chains break off, dropping it instantly. Pigsy, Tang, and Mei quickly leaped out of the way while MK just stood there stupidly in confusion until it landed right on top of him.


"MK!" Y/N yelled, horrified, the color on his face draining for a second before the inside of the cargo container began to crack and move until suddenly MK burst out through the lid, yelling, "I am invincible!" Y/N sighed in relief and rolled his eyes. "Asshole," He said, walking over to the others.

"Look, MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's powers and all, It don't mean-" Pigsy tries to finish but is quickly cut off by Mei walking in front of him...Holding a Rocket launcher and aiming it right at Y/N!

"Hey, Y/N, you think you're invincible now too?!" She says playfully, her finger itching on the trigger as Y/N leaps back.

"No, the fuck I don't!" Y/N yelled argumentatively, desperately hoping she wouldn't shoot, but it was all hopeless as Mei instantly fired the rocket, aiming straight for Y/N's chest. A rush of adrenaline flooded his veins as his eyes widened, and he barely manages to summon his staff, slicing the rocket clean in half and exploding behind him. Y/N sighed before glaring at Mei, the raging fire behind him only outdone by his now burning crimson-red eyes.

"I am not invincible!" Y/N said, towering over Mei as she chuckled nervously

Pigsy groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as he looked between the two boys. "Look, guys, you're superheroes now. You're going to need-" He tries to finish, but Mei quickly cuts him off. " Capes! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you two beat bad guys!

"How would we even afford all that?" Y/N asked while Pigsy groaned once again, trying to speak before Mei jumped in once more.

"To the secret base!" She exclaimed, elbowing the side of a nearby cargo container, revealing a secret doorway to an elevator. Y/N and the others gasped in awe before immediately bolting inside, squishing themselves in. The elevator doors quickly closed before rapidly descending to the base. The moment the doors opened, Y/N casually stepped out alongside Mei while the others spilled out onto the ground.

The Saviour From Heaven ( Lego Monkie Kid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now