Noodles or Death!

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It was a hectic day at the market. Tang and Pigsy were out getting food and supplies for the restaurant. Pigsy smiled as he admired a carrot in his hands almost a little too enthusiastically.

"Ho-ho! Now, this is a beautiful carrot! A couple more finds like this baby, and we're golden."

"What are you talking about? This one looks the same as the last 20,000 carrots we've looked at." Tang said, grabbing the carrot from Pigsy and examining it himself. Pigsy grumbled before immediately snatching it back from him. "Gimme that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this. You ain't no culinary genius like me."

"My, my, my! You guys are making quite a scene."

The of them turned their heads towards the voice that belonged to a tall and elegant woman as she emerged from the shadows of her shady and rundown stall, leaning on the wooden counter, her lilac skin, jet black hair, and emerald green eyes at them with an air of amusement and unease. She wore a long, flowing robe adorned with intricate patterns, giving her an ethereal appearance.

"You boys looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? Then you've come to the right place." She smiled seductively, blowing a kiss toward Tang, who was less than interested.

"Yeah, uh...come on, Pigsy, let's just keep going." He goes to leave, only to find Pigsy gone, standing in front of the woman's shop, swooning.

"Hah...y-you are selling beautiful vegetables today."

Tang looked down at the stand. The crates were all practically empty or filled with rotten produce.

"Are you blind?" He mumbled quietly

"That's right, sugar. This is the finest store in the whole market. Why don't you come around back and look at my...exclusive wares." She whispered ominously, fading away into the shadows of the shop urging them to follow her. Pigsy practically jumped over the counter before Tang yanked him back, stopping him.

"Pigsy, I'm not sure, uh.."

"Don't wreck this for me, Tang! I need this!" Pigsy exclaimed, pulling his arm out of Tang's grasp and following the mysterious woman into the depths of her shady stall. Tang sighed, shaking his head. "Fine, have it your way. But don't say I didn't warn you." He said, reluctantly following behind him.

"That's it, a little closer, just a little closer." The woman's voice whispered as they stepped inside. Pigsy deftly traversed a concealed panel, triggering a trap door that plunged both him and Tang into the abyss, their screams echoing in the shadowy depths below.
"Hey, don't you guys think it's weird that we don't spend much time in the Sea-Crate Base? Like, we haven't been down here for weeks." Sandy asks as he and Mei play a round of Monkie Mech on the couch, not looking away from the screen. Meanwhile, Y/N was a little ways off training with his staff.

"Yeah, and if you think about it, do we even need to be down here right now?" Mei asked.

"Probably not, but I'm not complaining about it," Y/N said mid-swings when suddenly MK smashed through the elevator doors, absolutely panicked.

"GUYS! Pigsy's missing!"

"Missing? What do you mean he's missing?"

"I mean, he didn't open up the shop this morning!" Y/N, Mei, and Sandy's jaws instantly hit the floor, and they gasped dramatically.

"But he's never not opened up his store before!" Sandy panicked




The three idiots just screamed in fear as they stood there shaking to their very core, hands on their heads and tears streaming down their faces. Meanwhile, Mei rushed to a security monitor, activating it and showing a recording of Pigsy at the market in front of the creepy stall.

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