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A few days had passed since Y/N and MK defeated Redson and took back the city's weather station, and the city itself had been strangely quiet since then...If only the same could be said for Pigsy's as orders upon orders came rushing in, leaving the monkey duo running ragged.

"Order up, boys! Come on, get the lead out." Piggsy said, ringing the counter bell and holding dozens of noodle orders, which Y/N and MK swiftly snatched from his hands.

"We're on it!" They said cheerfully, bolting out the front and instantly splitting up to deliver their set orders, with MK speeding around in the delivery cart and Y/N launching himself from Nyoibo and dashing across rooftops, "Pigsy's Noodles!" They greeted each customer as they dropped off their food, and before long, every order had been delivered when Y/N and MK met back up about to cross the bridge leading back to the shop when they bumped into Sandy.

"Y/N, MK, oh boy, did you two arrive at the right time. Pick up a brush. We're giving the old girl a fresh coat of paint!"

"Alright!" MK said, hopping out of the cart and grabbing a bucket and a brush with Y/N right beside him. "Yeah! Painting boats is my middle name!"

"Let's Mona Lisa this bitch!"

Sandy, MK, and Y/N paint the boat, showing off the fresh blue coat, smiling proudly and fist bumping over a job well done. A few hours quickly passed after his long day of work, and Y/N sighed, getting out of the shower shirtless, towel and tail tightly wrapped around his waist. "Ah, that felt good, and now for eight to twelve hours of uninterrupted-" Y/N yells, cutting himself off finding Mei in his room rummaging through his clothes.

"Mei!? What the hell are you doing here!?"

"Get dressed, get dressed, get dressed. We are going out!" Mei exclaimed, tossing Y/N a set of clothes that he instantly jumps into. "How the fuck did you get in my house!"

Mei giggles, holding her phone up as she, Y/N, and MK take a selfie. "Anti-Gravity Arcade, yo!"

"Aw yeah, this is happening!"
The morning sun quickly rose the next day, the sign of the noodle shop lighting up right along with it as Y/N and MK were again right in the thick of it. "Order up!" Pigsy rang the bell as he called out, Y/N and MK tiredly grabbed onto the bags before struggling out the door. "Okay, Pigsy." They mumbled, their yawns interrupting their words as they wearily split up, yet again, to cover their routes. "Pigsy's Noodles," they muttered at each customer, their voices and drooping faces carrying the weight of exhaustion.

"How about a nice sunset orange this time?" Sandy suggested, running into the pair again and immediately getting to work. Later that night, MK lay passed out on an Arcade machine while Y/N unconsciously set a new record on DDR as Mei cheered him on. The never-ending cycle of work and play continues as Y/N and MK attend 24/7 to whatever their friends need them to do.

"Order up!"

"Order up!"

"Order up!" Pigsy calls out as he rings the bell day after day, "What if we try blue again?" Sandy asks as Y/N and MK smile, a world of fire behind their friendly, innocent, and helpful eyes. "Pigsy's Noodles. Pigsy's Noodles." They greeted each of their customers tiredly as they delivered the blue paint-stained bag of noodles, with restless faces and bags under their eyes.




"Fuuuuuuuck," Y/N groaned, collapsing on his back on the floor of the noodle shop. MK, fairing not much better, slumped over the counter with a bowl of noodles right in front of him, groaning. Tang looked at the boys.

The Saviour From Heaven ( Lego Monkie Kid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now