12~Rickety Old Sleigh

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"What- where are we going?" Skylar urgently questioned, trying her hardest to keep pace with North and the other gaurdians as they weaved their way through the workshop, somehow not getting lost through the countless twists and turns in between them and their destination.

"To the sleigh" Jack responded calmly, lounging in mid air effortlessly as the wind carried his body alongside the group.

"Wh-I!" Skylar paused momentarily, breathing in deeply, "I told you you're not coming!" The storm spirit shook slightly from anger, still walking at an awkward pace in an attempt to match North's effortlessly long strides.

"And it was good suggestion, that was considered briefly , and rejected" The large man reassured, continuing to push forward towards the sleigh.

Skylar scoffed audibly. "Does no one listen around here?!"

"Ehh you get used to it after some time" Jack continued to lazy glide through the air to the right of the storm spirit. "They acted the same way when I fist got here,"

"Yeah but at least you got something," She ducked under a plane wizzing through the air overhead, moving just in time to not get hit. "A motive, you were gaining something-" she vaulted over a large box labeled Red Robots: 64 "-your teeth! Your memories! I already have that! I don't-" she stepped to the left to avoid hitting a support beam "-need anything! All I'm getting is people messing around in my-" she weaved around a pillar once more "-business and a ride on some rickety, old-"

Before she could fully finish her complaint, which Jack had been mouthing the last two words of in sync with her, she was interrupted by the pounding of reindeer hooves on firm, wood flooring.

The large creatures bounded up and down, seemingly both excited and determined, causing the ground to shudder slightly. Skylar sat in awe as North ran forward, grabbing the reins and attempting to calm down the antlered beasts. The reindeers blew steam out of the nostrils forcefully, exuding a chilling disturbance. Their demeanor was radiantly cold, silently whispering that they will do as they are told and will cary no mercy towards anyone who gets in their way, an extreme contrast to North's bubbly personality and child-like wonder.

Skylars thoughts stirred into full gear:
If that's what he keeps as pets.....

She shook off the thought, sprouting a new appreciation of them sharing a side in this battle.

As the reindeers made their way forward, away from the stables, it was made clear they were pulling something large and heavy behind them.

The sleigh was painted red with multiple different layers that unfolded mechanically. Basic red painted designs weaved through the large body and wings, leading to the globe that was implemented at the very front.

"Sleigh" Jack finished her trail of thought, flashing his signature smirk at her quickly before bounding onto the back ledge of the sleigh, ignoring the stair like seats that would have been plenty for all of the spirits to ride comfortably.

Skylar caught herself staring and quickly snapped out of her daze just before she was lured into running her exposed fingertips over the smoothened wood.  Her previous bad mood flooded her senses once more as she suddenly remembered where she was and what was happening by right now.

"Absolutely not"

"It ees good, no?" North ignored her refusal, somewhat giddy inside from seeing someone else appreciate the craftsmanship that had gone into the large red vehicle.

"It's great for you, but there is no way in hell it goes faster than zipping. Speaking of, since I can travel faster than all of you combined," she held out her pointer fingers, moving it steadily to point between all of the gaurdians. "How about I go first and deal with Lilly, and you all stay here, and forget I exist," Skylar smiled sarcastically at all of them, holding out her hand to emphasize the offer. Though she knew deep down that the famed Guardians were far too stubborn to leave her alone, and let her deal with her own problems.

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