Rules on AI Usage

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The purpose of our review book is to support emerging writers and those whose talent may be overlooked. We firmly believe that writing is an intimate and expressive form of art, and our goal is to empower writers to nurture their distinctive voices and ideas. As a result, we kindly request that writers submit stories that are predominantly their own creations.


The main emphasis of this rule is on AI tools dedicated to content creation or generation, as opposed to those used for editing or proofreading preexisting content.


Regrettably, our Story Hunters have encountered an array of stories that seem to be the handiwork of artificial intelligence, particularly those submitted by emerging writers. While we appreciate the value of AI tools in the realm of writing, we maintain that excessive reliance on them can hinder a writer's potential for growth and development. Our primary objective is to offer personalized guidance and encouragement that facilitates writers in honing their skills and cultivating their artistic vision.

AI tools can be invaluable assistants to writers, serving various purposes such as generating ideas and sparking inspiration, particularly during bouts of creative stagnation. These tools enable writers to swiftly generate numerous concepts, explore diverse plotlines, and uncover fresh perspectives that may have eluded them otherwise.

AI tools offer assistance with language and grammar through suggestions for synonyms, rephrasing sentences, and error correction. This saves time and enhances writing quality. Additionally, AI-generated content can serve as a jumping-off point for developing original ideas. For instance, AI can create a basic plot or concept, which you can then embellish with unique twists, characters, and themes to craft a wholly original story.

However, it is crucial to remember that AI tools should not be solely relied upon. Writing is an intimately personal and creative process, and it is vital to cultivate your distinct voice and style. Dependence on AI tools may result in formulaic or generic writing, lacking the depth and intricacies of truly authentic work.

We do not outright dismiss any story that incorporates AI in any way. Although there may be some downsides to utilizing AI tools in the writing process, we recognize that they can still provide valuable assistance to writers. Writers are encouraged to utilize AI tools to spark ideas and inspiration, integrating these concepts into their own creative and distinctive work.


Rest assured, dear writers, that we have no intention of relying on AI detectors to determine if your story was crafted using AI tools. Your story belongs to you and will not be shared elsewhere. Instead, our reviewers will undergo training to recognize certain distinctive traits that indicate an almost entirely AI-generated story.

Should a story appear to be predominantly generated by AI, our reviewers may reach out to the writer to initiate further discussion or seek clarification. On certain occasions, where it becomes blatantly evident that little or no human touch was added, we may opt not to review the story, and instead encourage the writer to invest more effort in creating their own unique piece.

If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding this regulation, please feel free to contact us without hesitation.

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