My name's Carmi. I try to write honest and accurate reviews. I'm not one to flood my feedback with criticism, but I also don't lather the truth in honey. I strive to be as open-minded as possible and take careful note of a story's positive aspects but also provide suggestions on how writers can improve their work.
Preferred genres:
I'll devour almost anything. I enjoy psychological thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy, YA, horror, crime, poetry and I'll read romance and comedy.
Genres I won't review:
I've never been a fan of the fanfiction genre and I've already reviewed enough of those, so I'd prefer to cross them off my list. I also don't read nonfiction books (though I doubt I'll stumble across any). I also don't read books that have mature content—things like sex or excessive swearing. However, this excludes violence, abuse, drugs, and minimal cussing. I also don't read stories that strongly revolve around LGBTQ+.
Review style:
I point out anything that needs the author's attention—maybe the writer needs to reconsider their diction, improve their imagery, restructure their sentences, or polish up their storyline. I always focus on grammar and although the external features of a book don't seem to be very important, I also comment on the title, cover, and blurb—these three aspects serve as bait for potential readers.
Additional conditions:
Content warnings are always welcomed; I would certainly want to know if your story oversteps any boundaries beyond my reading preferences.
-A shout-out on your message board for my reviewer services.
-Add any one of my books to a public reading list.
Story Title:
Areas to focus on:
Any notes for the reviewer:
Followed rules(Yes/No):
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Project Athena | Reviews
RandomAre you looking for honest and constructive feedback on your writing? Look no further! Our team of reviewers will read your work and provide detailed critiques that can help you improve your writing and take your stories to the next level. Whether y...